Citi5 Public Transport – Our Chair’s letter to the Mayor

Dear Mayor Nik,

Following the announcement by Stagecoach of drastic cuts to its services Willingham Parish Council very much welcomes your promise that, in providing interim support, “we are looking at sections of route withdrawn on Citi5 beyond Northstowe”. The axing of the Citi5 beyond Longstanton (just north of Northstowe) is a disaster for Willingham, leaving a village of almost 5000 residents with no public transport at all.

The Citi5 provides a lifeline for non-drivers, from school children and students to the elderly and disabled. As well as being a direct (if very lengthy) link to Cambridge, it is also a link to the Busway one and a half miles away for faster routes to Cambridge, which is an important destination for work, education, essential shopping, trains and leisure, and to St Ives. It also provides a vital link to Swavesey Village College, attended by many Willingham children.

WPC has spent considerable time and energy responding to the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s Making Connections bus consultation, which links in to the CPCA’s plans, and we hope that those views will still be listened to, whatever delivery option prevails. In particular, if people are to be encouraged to use buses rather than cars a fast direct bus to Cambridge is essential or failing that a frequent shuttle bus to the Busway. Links to secondary education at Cottenham and Swavesey Village Colleges and to sixth from colleges in Cambridge are also vital.

Yours Sincerely,

Derek Law


Willingham Parish Council

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Update

See below from St Mary and All Saints Church

Sunday 18th  September – Vigil service at 7.30 pm at St Mary and All Saints Church

A Vigil Service for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

On Sunday evening at 7.30 pm we prepare ourselves for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s funeral by gathering for prayers and to reflect quietly together. We then conclude by joining the whole country in a minute’s silence at 8pm. All welcome. 

Monday 19th September –  Live streaming the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II  – St Mary and All Saints Church

The Church welcomes anyone who would like to come along and watch the funeral service in the company of others. The doors will open at 10am and light refreshments will be available