Urge to parents and guardians to educate children on hoax calling

eCops Logo The Police
Message Type Icon Urge to parents and guardians to educate children on hoax calling
If you are a parent or guardian, we are appealing for your help as we enter of the school summer holidays.   

In recent years, we have seen a trend of increased hoax calls from children and young people during the six-week break.  

Whilst we appreciate that the majority of children enjoy time off school being safe and responsible, some think that prank calling the police on the emergency line is a harmless joke, which is not the case.   

Hoax calls are treated very seriously and those responsible are warned that misuse of the emergency line can cost lives.   

If 999 operators are busy dealing with a hoax caller, they could be prevented from answering a genuine call, which in some instances could be a life-or-death situation. Hoax calls cost lives and are a waste of valuable resources.  

Not only that, but it is an offence to make a malicious or hoax call to the emergency services. Hoax callers could face a maximum penalty of up to six months in prison or a fine of £5,000.   

All calls to the emergency services are recorded and we can always trace the number, even if the call is made from a withheld number.  

We ask that in an effort to ensure your children and / or family members enjoy their summer break out of trouble, you take the time to educate them about the dangers of hoax calling, and the consequences of doing so.   

Superintendent Neil Billany, head of demand, said: “Our 999 phone lines are also often the target of hoax calls from youngsters, messing around with their friends.   

“Not only is this frustrating for our call handlers who work tirelessly to help those in danger, but it’s also a criminal offence, and could cost lives.  

“My plea to parents and carers is to make sure they educate their children on the dangers of hoax calling, and the consequences of it, not only for them, but for other people too.  

“We also ask parents and carers to provide children with ideas on how to spend their time safely and out of trouble, to avoid boredom which can lead to hoax / prank calling.”  

Our colleagues at Norfolk Police released this video which provides a stark reminder as to why not to hoax call.   

Learn more on the No Joke to Hoax campaign page on the force website.  

Kind regards,     
Message Sent By
Lauren Watchorn
(Police, Digital Marketing Officer, Corporate Communications)

Pink bin – electronic recycling bin

Willingham Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has used this bin while it has been located at the Ploughman Hall. Unfortunately we have been made aware that it was broken into and the contents stolen.

If you see any incidents please report them to the police.

Thank you

Willingham Parish Council

Willingham Cemetery

Due to unforeseen circumstances Willingham Parish Council are having to seek new contractors for the maintenance of Willingham Cemetery.

We are aware of the issues with the grass cutting at the cemetery and would like to apologise for any distress caused.

We are attempting to get the grass under control but would kindly ask if you could bear with us as it will take a few cuts to do this and is also weather dependent.

Thank you for your understanding.

Willingham Parish Council

Northstowe Survey

Northstowe are running a resident survey relating to future facilities which may be of interest to people in Willingham. They would like to encourage as many residents as possible from Willingham to take part.

It is an online survey which can be found here https://bit.ly/Northstowe-resident-24 or by scanning the QR code on the poster below.

The survey will run until mid-June 2024.

Way 2 Go – Road Safety Education Newsletter Spring 2024

Please see attached the Road Safety Education Newsletter “Way 2 Go”.

I hope you enjoy reading the Newsletter and please feel free to share with your colleagues and the local community – If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in contact.

You may also like to  visit our website to find out more about our service and resources for loan – http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/roadsafety

Road Safety Education Team
Network Management & Transport Strategy