National Moment of Reflection

The public have been invited to take part in a National Moment of Reflection to mourn the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and reflect on her life and legacy. The National Moment of Reflection will take place at 8pm on Sunday (18 September), the night before the State Funeral, and be marked by a one-minute silence. The silence can be marked privately at home, with friends and family, out on doorsteps or the street with neighbours, or at locally arranged community events and vigils. Details of larger-scale public events to be held across the country will be published at:


Please be aware that there is a wasp nest in the Orchard. It is located in the ground near the centre of orchard and has been taped off.

The Council have taken advice and have been told to leave them alone as taking action to remove them may well impact and harm the neighbouring bee hives.

Willingham Supplementary Flood Plan – Can you help?

Following the floods at the end of last year, Willingham Parish Council are currently reinforcing their existing flood plan.

One of the routes the Council is looking at will be possibly forming a small flood management team and recruiting residents to act as neighbourhood support volunteers. 

It is hoped to be able to divide the village into zones so that when a risk of flood is highlighted, the management team would be activated and would co-ordinate the neighbourhood support volunteers. The volunteers would notify residents in a particular zone at risk of flooding and distribute advisory information where appropriate.  By dividing the village this way, it is hoped that more people can be reached but in order to achieve this, volunteers will be needed to support the plan.

If you would like to be involved as either a member of the management team or as a neighbourhood support volunteer or would like more information then please forward your details to the Parish Clerk on or telephone 01954 261027