Swavesey Junction – Night time closures 1st & 2nd June

Swavesey Junction Bridge Beam Installation – Night Time Closures

Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd June – two nights

To minimise disruption to road users, the beams will be installed over two nights on Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd June.

Operations will start at 21:00 hrs (9:00 pm) and owing to the complexity of the lift, the westbound closure will be extended beyond the usual 06:00 hrs to allow for removal of the crane from the carriageway.

The westbound carriageway is scheduled to open in the morning at 08:00 hrs on Saturday 1st June & 08:30 hrs on the Sunday 2nd June.

The closure point will be to the west of the existing junction so that Swavesey exit will be open throughout the operation to vehicles coming from Cambridge and Swavesey/Boxworth.

Vehicles travelling from Huntingdon will be required to leave the A14 at the A1198 (Godmanchester) junction and travel to the A428 from where they can join the eastbound A14 or use local roads to reach the junction.

The full schedule is as follows:

Friday 1 to Saturday 2 June – two nights (beam lift)

• A14 eastbound junction 27 to junction 28

• 9pm – 5.30am (both nights)

Strategic traffic diversion: Drivers will be diverted south on the A1198, east on the A428 to re-join the A14

• A14 westbound junction 28 to junction 27

• 9pm – 8am (Friday night)

• 9pm – 8.30am (Saturday night)

Strategic traffic diversion: Drivers will be diverted west on the A428, north on the A1198 to re-join the A14

This closure will allow local traffic to access the westbound carriageway to the villages at junctions 30, 29, 28a and 28 and Cambridge Services and junctions 25, 26 and 27 on the eastbound carriageway.


Newsletter March 2018

Road Surfaces:

A member of the public raised at the March Parish Council Meeting the problem of poor and deteriorating road surfaces in parts of the village. It appears to be a widespread problem across the county with recent bad weather exacerbating poor maintenance. Unfortunately, our County Councillor was not present at the meeting but our concerns will be forwarded to him.

Youth Matters:

We were very pleased to learn that Willingham Youth Trust has succeeded in finding the funds and resources to reopen the Youth Club. Weekly sessions will begin again on Wednesday evenings from the middle of April. There are also plans for another It’s a Knock Out competition in September and a ‘Pop Up’ Café. Congratulations go to the hard work from the Youth Trust team in achieving this. Congratulations also go to our Primary School who achieved a rating of ‘Good’ in a recent Ofsted inspection.

Defibrillator Training:

A unit has been available for some time at the Pavilion and a second unit has now been installed at the Library. Free training is going to be available to anyone who would like to learn how to use these life-saving devices. This will take place at Willingham Library at 2PM on 12 April. Space is limited so if you are interested in attending please call the Parish Office to book a place.

Help with Your Home:

If you are elderly or disabled and you need to adapt or repair your home you may be able to get help from Cambs Home Improvement Agency. Their telephone number is 01954 713330 or look at www.cambshia.org

Dog Mess:

Whilst most dog owners take a very responsible attitude to clearing up after their pets, there are a few that do not. We have had reports of increased fouling on central village pavements as well as the recreation ground. Not only is dog mess unsightly it can also be a serious health hazard, particularly on areas used for sports, which is why we ask owners not to take their dogs onto the recreation ground. The District Council will take action against owners who allow fouling but need names and addresses.


A reminder that there are local government elections in May that will involve Willingham Parish Council. If you would like to put your name forward you need to do so to SCDC by 4PM on 12 April. Forms are available through the Parish Office.

Finally, we were very sorry to learn of the peaceful but sudden death of Rosemary Mumford. Rosemary, as just one of her various voluntary contributions to village life, served as a Parish Councillor for many years. Our thoughts and condolences go to her lovely family.

District and Parish Council Elections

District and Parish Council Elections

All current District and Parish Councillors have to stand for re-election on the 3rd May 2018. If you would like to consider becoming a Parish Councillor nomination forms for candidates are now available from the Parish Office. Completed nomination forms should be returned by hand to South Cambridgeshire Council’s offices at Cambourne, no later than 6th April 2018. To be qualified to stand for election you have to fulfil simple pre-conditions. These are stated on the nomination papers. Further information may also be obtained from: elections@scambs.gov.uk or the Electoral Commission website (www.electoralcommission.org.uk).