Volunteer School Appeals Panel Members

Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council are looking for Volunteer School Appeals Panel Members – this is an interesting opportunity for someone who has an interest in school admissions.   

They encourage and welcome applications from candidates of all backgrounds – full training will be provided.  Detailed information about the role and an application form are attached.   

County Council flood prevention survey

As part of the County Council’s Community Flood Action Programme, ‘Riparian’ guidance is to be updated to make it more useful for those who have a watercourse on their land. As part of this work, they want to better understand what residents and landowners currently understand about responsibilities of maintaining watercourses (ditches, streams etc.) on private land. A short survey (5 questions) has been published, and we are helping to promote this to residents. If you would be willing to share our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram posts within your communities, that would be helpful. Alternatively, you can access or share the survey using this direct link. The deadline to respond is 30 September. You can find out more about Riparian ownership on the County Council’s website

Cambridge County Council – Riparian Guidance and survey

As part of our Community Flood Action Programme, Cambridge County Council are updating their riparian guidance document to make it more useful for those living next to a watercourse. As this document is aimed at residents and landowners, they wish to seek their views and get a better understanding of their awareness of riparian issues. The Council have therefore prepared a short survey (5 questions)

A link to the survey is here: https://forms.office.com/r/5HQbNqGtba

They plan to keep the survey open until 30th September but they may extend this if necessary.

In addition, the County Council would be grateful of any photos communities may have of watercourses, to include in the guidance document. If anyone would like to submit photos, please email them to CFAP@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, and include the name they would like to be credited as.

CCC #Stand Firm against Covid

Last month we launched our new multi-media campaign called #StandFirm which focusses on the personal testimonies of local people who have been impacted by Covid-19. We will be encouraging people to Stand Firm against Covid, stay home, protect families and protect communities.   https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/coronavirus/stand-firm

This week we launched our video of Tony – watch his story here: https://youtu.be/hSeMjhDUkV8
Previously we’ve shared the stories of:
Kevin: https://youtu.be/5j-Xe7Hoves Winnie: https://youtu.be/RlzsZMZ5AKc Andy: https://youtu.be/kIwtXYElckE Kim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnwqh8vwQns  

Covid – Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Stand Firm Campaign

Stand firm. Stay home. Protect family. Protect community

#StandFirm is a new campaign reminding people they must stick to the rules in the continuing fight against COVID.

It shares true and emotive stories of people’s experience of COVID-19. No one wants to risk how awful COVID can be and so we must all remain on our guard against complacency – to protect ourselves, our families and the local community.

The majority of people are following the rules.Find out how to Stand Firm against Covid

Here’s our latest film, featuring Andy Nazer, a campaigner against loneliness.

Andy Nazer who experienced Covid-19 talks about the impacts of the illness on loneliness. He urges others to join him and ‘stand firm’ in their resolve to follow public health guidelines.

Watch our first film, which features Kim Wright, a social worker, who talks about her personal experience of Covid-19.

County Councillor wants help to tackle road flooding in Willingham

We have been liaising with our County Councillor, Tim Wotherspoon regarding the ongoing issues with standing water on our village roads. Tim is trying to gather evidence so that he can try and get some action taken to address these issues. Please read the post from Tim below and help him to help us.

Tim writes: Increasingly many complaints have been percolating through to me as chair of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Flood Risk Management Partnership about gullies that are not just slow to empty but even blocked solid.  The resulting standing water is being blamed on the flood risk team, but it’s a highways issue.  Vehicles moving at speed through large pools of water standing in the roads throw up spray which not only soaks cyclists and pedestrians but also splashes on to walls and damages brickwork.  Irate residents themselves have been resorting to digging silt out of completely blocked road gullies and posting photographs of the piles of detritus on social media.  This is not good.

I suspect that cyclical maintenance may have been deprioritised in favour of filling in potholes, given the fuss created two years ago over the state of the roads after the repeated freeze-thaw damage of the 2017-2018 winter.  However, we may be experiencing an unusually wet autumn (with 3 October the overall wettest day ever across the entire country), and episodes of prolonged rainfall may become increasingly common – with a corresponding chorus of complaints.

There has been some gully emptying and drain jetting in Willingham, but if there are any instances of persisting problems, as well as logging the issue on https://highwaysreporting.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/, it would be really helpful to me in making the case for regular maintenance if you could take photographs and send them to me.  Please include a note of time and location, and if possible how long the puddle lasted.


Register now if you’re shielding to access priority supermarket slots

People who have been encouraged to register as shielding are being urged to do so before the 17 July deadline, whether they need help at the moment or not. Although the shielding programme will be paused on 31 July, people on the shielded list who register for support with essential supplies before 17 July will still be able to access priority supermarket delivery slots from this date.  

In addition, the council will be keeping a record of everyone who is shielding, so that if there is a need for lockdown again, it has the details of everyone who might need support.  

Adrian Chapman, Service Director: Communities and Partnerships for Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, said: “If you’ve been contacted by the NHS and advised that you need to shield and have not yet registered, please think about doing so, whether you need help at the moment or not. 

“Registering will allow us to keep in contact with you and provide support if there is a further lockdown and will allow you to access priority supermarket delivery slots, which may be useful to you in the coming weeks and months. To access these slots, please make sure you tick the box which asks for help with accessing essential supplies when you register.

“In addition, if you have registered and told us you don’t need help with accessing food, you won’t be able to access priority supermarket slots. If you would like to be able to, please contact the national shielding programme to change your preferences.” To register on the shielded list, or to amend your preferences, visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable or call 0800 028 8327. 

In addition, the Government has confirmed this week that the majority of children currently considered extremely clinical vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19) will be able to be removed from the shielded patient list from 31 July.

Children will only be removed from the shielded patient list by their GP or specialist doctor following consultation with them and their families. Specialists and GPs will be asked to contact families to discuss this over the summer, so people do not need to take any immediate action. 

The Government has decided to take this action following independent evidence from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), working with specialists in paediatric medicine, which shows the risk of serious illness for children and young people is low and only those with the most severe conditions should now be considered clinically extremely vulnerable.

 More information is available at www.gov.uk.

Council provides essential supplies for most vulnerable shielding from Coronavirus

Parish & Town Council and Resident Association updates banner

Council provides essential supplies for most vulnerable shielding from Coronavirus

Parcels of food and emergency supplies for the most vulnerable in our communities who are shielding from the Coronavirus are being delivered to residents across the county from this week.

The Government has promised that a national food distribution scheme will be up and running very soon, to support 1.5million people nationally who need to be shielded from the virus for at least 12 weeks because of serious health and medical conditions.

Every one of those people is being contacted by the NHS to advise them of this, and to ask whether or not they have a reliable support network in place to make sure they receive food and medicines, and other supplies, to prevent them from having to leave their homes.

Those who don’t have such a network will be provided with food and medicines via a national scheme which is being developed with food wholesalers, supermarkets and community pharmacies.

In the period up until this national scheme is fully operational, Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council have been working with the British Red Cross to ensure that those residents who need food, medicine and emergency supplies are looked after.

During the weekend council staff telephoned residents who they knew were shielding to see if they needed help and then arranged deliveries of items to those that did.

Yesterday (Monday) a team of council staff and British Red Cross volunteers packed tens of boxes with emergency supplies which have been delivered by the Government, which will be delivered to residents who are shielding at home in the coming days and weeks.

The council and British Red Cross have also been supported by a planner from the military and staff from Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service.

A warehouse facility has been secured in the centre of the county, from which distribution of the parcels will take place via the local hubs network.

Residents are asked to note that they will NOT be asked for payment or bank card details, either at the door or by any other contact.

If you are at home and shielding because of serious health or medical conditions and we have not been in touch, please visit our Coordination Hub page or call us on 0345 045 5219

Please visit our Cambridgeshire or Peterborough websites for further contacts details.


Shielded Patients List

NHS Digital has published the shielded patients list (SPL) which is enabling partner organisations across government to support and protect those who need shielding at this time.

People who have not yet received a text or letter from NHS, can self-register (or register a family member) if they are extremely vulnerable and think they should be on the NHS Shielded Patient list https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable

People who believe they have been included in error on the list can ignore the communication provided they have checked the list of identified conditions does not apply to them, and may wish to contact their GP or clinical specialist for advice

Household Waste Recyling Centres

In light of the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, all recycling centres across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will be closed from today (Tuesday) until further notice. The decision to close sites has not been taken lightly but it is essential to encourage residents to stay at home and limit the spread of Coronavirus. 

If you were planning to visit a recycling centre, please hold on to the items you were planning to take until they are reopened.

During this time, we ask residents to act responsibly and not place items such as DIY waste, garden waste, or recycling into their kerbside general rubbish collection. This will take up space in the collection vehicles needed for general household rubbish. Try to limit your food waste by home composting and using your freezer. If you have food waste it can be disposed of in your general waste bin or in Peterborough, people should put food waste in their food waste caddys as normal.

For more information please visit our websites: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough  

Histon Road – Bus, Cycling and Walking Improvements Project

Please see below from the Greater Cambridge Partnership

Histon Road – Bus, Cycling and Walking Improvements Project

We would like to let you know that the Greater Cambridge Partnership will be starting work on Histon Road from 27 January 2020. The first part of the road affected by the construction works will be the junction with Victoria Road and Huntingdon Road as well as site clearance, where required, along the rest of Histon Road. 

Please see the attached letter for further details and the current planned programme of work. This letter is also being posted to local residents and businesses.

Cambrigeshire County Council – Climate Change and Environment Strategy – online survey

Climate Change and Environment Strategy – communities invited to have their say by filling out our online survey

Following its declaration of a Climate and Environment Emergency in May 2019, Cambridgeshire County Council is developing a Climate Change and Environment Strategy and Action Plan and needs your help.

The strategy outlines how the council will:

  • reduce the carbon footprint of the council and the county
  • help communities adapt to the change already happening
  • enhance nature and the benefits it provides.

As part of the strategy development, the council is keen to understand what the wider community thinks of the targets and actions it plans to set itself and its suppliers, and how it can work to help community action to accelerate this.

The consultation began on the 20 December 2019 and you have until the end of the month to take part (31 January 2020). online survey link.