Scam Alert forwarded from Cambridgeshire Police
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Scam Alert forwarded on from Cambridgeshire Police
Please be alert to the suspicious email (detailed below) that has been received today by a resident within Cambridgeshire, it exploits the briefing at the weekend by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
In the suspicious email note the ‘From’ address.
The official domain name of the NHS is NOT
There is no such thing as an OMICRON PCR TEST.
Omicron is a variant of Covid, and a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, detects the presence of the COVID-19 virus in the human body.
The official sources make NO reference to an ‘Omicron PCR test kit’ because it does not exisit.
The wording in the suspicious email is not what I would expect from the NHS or, it refers to NHS scientists, which I find VERY odd due to the private sector developing the vaccine.
It asks the question ‘What happen if you decline a COVID-19 Omicron test’? There is no ‘s’ after the word happen, poor grammar which I would expect from an official genuine sender.
You may also note in the body of text, that they also spell Omicron, OMICORN.
Spelling, grammar, all the red flags are in this phishing email.
If you wish to find out more about the variant Omicron or forms of testing, then visit the genuine websites or
If you receive any suspicious email please forward to
Avoid clicking on links instead, visit the genuine official website or genuine app of the alleged sender.
From: NHS (
Sent: 30 November 2021 08:43
To: Subject: Get Your Free Omicron PCR test – Apply now to avoid restrictions
Get Your Free Omicron PCR today to avoid restrictions
NHS scientists have warned that the new Covid variant Omicron spreads rapidly, can be transmitted between fully vaccinated people, and makes jabs less effective.However, as the new covid variant (Omicron)has quickly become apparent, we have had to make new test kits as the new variant appears dormant in the original test kits.
What happen if you decline a COVID-19 Omicron test?
In this situation, we warned that testing is in the best interests of themselves, friends, and family. People who do not consent or cannot agree to a COVID-19 test and refuse to undergo a swab must be isolated.
How to request a Free Omicron PCR test?
You can order your Omicorn pcr test via NHS portal by clicking the link below:
What happen if you are positive?
If positive, they must isolate for 10 days and should be reported to Public Health England.
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