Newsletter – February 2018

Outcomes of Community Governance Review for Willingham and Over

The full Council of South Cambridgeshire District Council met on 25th January 2018. Its business included consideration of a recommendation from its Civic Affairs Committee that a new boundary between Willingham and Over be adopted. Following a lengthy discussion an alternative, amended boundary line was agreed. This new boundary would move all the properties around Highgate Farm and to the west of Haden Way into Willingham. A map showing the agreed boundary can be seen on the Parish Council website. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England will also be asked to re-align the County Council boundary along the new parish boundary.

The Parish Council is very grateful for the support of local District Councillors, especially Councillor Manning, who have had to work very hard to bring this Review to this positive result.

District and Parish Council Elections

All current District and Parish Councillors have to stand for re-election on the 3rd May 2018. If you would like to consider becoming a Parish Councillor nomination forms for candidates are now available from the Parish Office. Completed nomination forms should be returned by hand to South Cambridgeshire Council’s offices at Cambourne, no later than 6th April 2018. To be qualified to stand for election you have to fulfil simple pre-conditions. These are stated on the nomination papers. Further information may also be obtained from: or the Electoral Commission website (

Willingham’s electricity supply

In recent weeks there have been several short periods when the electricity supply to the village has been disrupted. UK Power Networks have confirmed that some of these faults have been due to debris hitting lines during the recent strong winds. In addition a fault has been identified and repaired on a high-voltage line running between Burwell and Aldreth. Poor tree maintenance is not currently considered to be an issue. UK Power Networks are reluctant to install underground cabling because of potential damage caused by farmers.

If you are concerned about the welfare of vulnerable family members and neighbours who lose their electricity supply during these disruptions, encourage them to register with their utility suppliers who have a responsibility to prioritise the needs of these customers.

Willingham’s new defibrillator

The Parish Council has purchased a second defibrillator and this has been sited on the Village Library building. The support of our Library staff in helping the Parish Council complete this is gratefully acknowledged. Training in using a defibrillator will be provided by a qualified first- responder during April – further details will be provided.

Stopping fraud

Financial fraud can be prevented by remembering the following points. Firstly, a genuine bank or financial organisation will never contact you ‘out of the blue’ to ask for your PIN or password. You can ignore any requests to move money into different accounts.   Secondly, never allow access to your personal or financial details by automatically clicking on links in an unexpected email or text. Thirdly, if you have an uninvited approach from someone on the doorstep claiming to represent a company contact this company directly by telephone or email before allowing someone to enter your home.

Making metals matter

Please make sure that all household metal packaging – drink and food cans, foil trays and wrap, empty aerosols and screw tops – is placed within your blue bin for recycling. It is estimated that if all household metal packaging from Cambridge and South Cambs was collected it would save the equivalent of taking 812 cars off local streets for a year.