As this is the first Newsletter of the year it seems like a good opportunity to look back at the achievements of 2017 as well as looking forward to what 2018 may bring.
QEII Field Entrance
With the help of SCDC Community Chest Funding, the Council have improved the disabled access to the Ploughman Hall and QEII Playing field. During periods of heavy rain the previous path often became waterlogged and muddy. The path has been re-laid with improved drainage and following the very heavy rain of late we are pleased to say that the issue is now much improved.
2nd Defibrillator
A 2nd public Defibrillator has been purchased and is currently awaiting installation at the library. This along with the original defibrillator situated at the Pavilion, West Fen Road will (whilst we would always hope they are not needed) be a vital and reassuring asset for parishioners.
New Website
The Council has been working on a new, more user friendly website. This is now up and running and as usual among other documentation, you will find, agendas and minutes of meetings, news items and information on how and who to report issues to that may arise for parishioners.
Highways issues
Whether it be parking, congestion or speeding, Highways issues is an area that many residents have expressed concerns about over the last twelve months. The Council share many of these concerns and continue to liaise with County Council Highways and our County Councillor regarding these concerns. In addition to making written and verbal representations to the relevant authorities the Council have also undertaken some initiatives directly.
Some environmental testing has been carried out along the High Street, with the placement of Nitrous Oxide monitors and it is hoped to continue this testing in 2018 in order to assess levels in the village.
Towards the end of 2017 a short trial was carried out using an interactive speed sign on Earith Road. We are currently waiting for the results of the trial and will report on these at a later date.
Parish Council Elections
2018 will bring the end of the four year term for serving Councillors. Existing Councillors will be required to step down and if they wish to, re-stand for appointment at the Parish Council elections in May. The elections are due to be held on 3rd May, along with District Council elections. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor or would like further information please contact the Parish Clerk.
Life in the Old West
The Council has been in discussion with Cambridgeshire ACRE regarding their ‘Life in the Old West’ project. The Project has just received initial Lottery funding and aims to improve public understanding of the vulnerable biodiversity in the landscape around the Cambridgeshire Fens’ Old West River, whilst developing demonstration sites to showcase new ways of working on the area’s community green spaces and ditch network. The project aims to run for around four years and it is hoped that over the next two years, some of the green spaces in the Parish may benefit from being included in the project. More information about Cambridgeshire ACRE and their project can be found at