Pink bin – electronic recycling bin

Willingham Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has used this bin while it has been located at the Ploughman Hall. Unfortunately we have been made aware that it was broken into and the contents stolen.

If you see any incidents please report them to the police.

Thank you

Willingham Parish Council

Willingham Cemetery

Due to unforeseen circumstances Willingham Parish Council are having to seek new contractors for the maintenance of Willingham Cemetery.

We are aware of the issues with the grass cutting at the cemetery and would like to apologise for any distress caused.

We are attempting to get the grass under control but would kindly ask if you could bear with us as it will take a few cuts to do this and is also weather dependent.

Thank you for your understanding.

Willingham Parish Council

Northstowe Survey

Northstowe are running a resident survey relating to future facilities which may be of interest to people in Willingham. They would like to encourage as many residents as possible from Willingham to take part.

It is an online survey which can be found here or by scanning the QR code on the poster below.

The survey will run until mid-June 2024.

Way 2 Go – Road Safety Education Newsletter Spring 2024

Please see attached the Road Safety Education Newsletter “Way 2 Go”.

I hope you enjoy reading the Newsletter and please feel free to share with your colleagues and the local community – If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in contact.

You may also like to  visit our website to find out more about our service and resources for loan –

Road Safety Education Team
Network Management & Transport Strategy