eCops – Action Fraud

Over 32 million suspicious emails have been reported to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS), with more than a third of all emails reported in the last year, new figures reveal.  

The reports have led to more than 329,000 websites addresses being removed by the National Cyber Security Centre. Action Fraud, the national fraud and cybercrime reporting service, launched a national phishing awareness campaign on 24 June 2024, as reporting reached its highest level since SERS launched. New data shows a rise of 44% year-on-year, with almost 11,611,400 reports made to SERS in 2023, up from 8,074,200 reports in 2022.  

Alongside emails, there has also been a huge number of text messages reported to 7726. In March 2024, more than 60,000 malicious websites were removed as a result of being reported using 7726. This is a free service, offered by mobile network providers, allowing customers to report suspicious text messages in order to prevent other people from receiving them too.  

Claire Webb, Deputy Head of Action Fraud, said: “When fraudsters go phishing for valuable information, anyone could be a target. They will hook an unknowing victim with a genuine-looking email, in a bid to get them to share personal information, or bank details.  

“Year on year, the amount of people reporting phishing emails and texts is growing. Action Fraud is urging everyone to be extra vigilant of suspicious-looking emails landing in their inbox, which could contain malicious links leading to unknown websites.   

“Remember, if you think you have received a phishing email or text message, make sure you report it. You can forward emails to, or forward spam text messages to 7726.”  

SERS was launched by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the City of London Police in April 2020, to enable the public to forward suspicious emails and report any malicious website links. Since its launch, more than 32 million reports have been made to the service.  

What is phishing?
‘Phishing’, ‘quishing’ or ‘smishing’ is when criminals use scam emails, text messages, QR codes, or phone calls to trick victims. Whether it’s an email asking you to “verify” your bank account details, or a text message claiming you’ve missed a delivery and are required to pay a redelivery fee, the goal is usually the same – to trick you into revealing personal and financial information.  

In 2023, a doctor from London lost more than £150 to a fake email claiming to be from TV Licensing. The email claimed that they needed to renew her TV licence as soon as possible. What made the phishing email so believable was that the victim’s TV licence had recently expired and the link in the email led to a fake TV Licensing website that replicated the real one.  

Here’s some practical advice you can follow when it comes to dealing with suspicious messages and calls: · 

* If you have any doubts about a message, contact the organisation directly using the contact details on their official website. Do not use the number or web address in the message. Your bank, or any other official source, will not ask you to provide sensitive information by email.
* Received an email that doesn’t feel right? STOP! Report suspicious emails by forwarding them to: Send emails to this address that feel suspicious, even if you’re not certain they’re a scam – they will be checked.
* Always report suspicious text messages or scam call numbers, free of charge, to 7726. Your provider can find out where the text came from and block or ban the sender.
* To report a scam text, forward it to 7726 and then send the sender’s number when prompted.
* To report a scam call, simply text 7726 with the word ‘Call’ followed by the scam caller’s number.
* If you’ve lost money or provided financial information as a result of a phishing scam, notify your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud at or by calling 0300 123 2040. In Scotland, call Police Scotland on 101.  

E-Cops – Latest Court News – 25.6.2024

Please find below summaries of the latest news from our courts over the last week – click on each headline to read the full story.  
Shoplifter threw pen at staff’s face
Man threw knife at ex-partner
Man who used suitcase to beat girlfriend is jailed
Man jailed after targeting men through dating app
Drug dealer caught red handed on CCTV

Jail for man who spat at shop staff
Peterborough shoplifter has suspended sentence activated
Man claimed he raped woman in his sleep
Peterborough thief steals cash from car
Coffee thief has suspended sentence activated
Man jailed for Bretton cannabis factory
Peterborough drug dealer to hand over £225k
Prolific shoplifter banned from Peterborough stores Man attacked friend with knife
County lines dealer forced child to sell drugs
Paedophile sent inappropriate photos  

Jail for paedophile caught with 140 images of children  

You can find more news from the force online here.  

Highway Events – June 2024

Please find attached the Highway Events diary for June 2024. The diary shows all known events and their highway restrictions. The diary includes links to where further details, such as the specific road closure timings of each traffic management plan, can be viewed.

June’s Highlights

IWM Duxford Summer Air Show/D-Day 80 – 1st -2nd June

Strawberry Fair – 1st June

Secret Garden Party – 15th June

Cambridge Pride – 15th June

Midsummer Fair – 19th -23rd June

Newmarket Nights – 21st June & 28th June

Newmarket Races – 22nd, 27th & 29th June

Race for Life – 30th June

*Please remember details of all highway events can be found on


eCops Logo The Police
Message Type Icon Police urge people to check security after spate of burglaries

Police are urging homeowners to check their home security following a spate of burglaries across the south of the county.
There have been burglaries and attempted burglaries in Mill Road, Cherry Hinton, King’s Hedges and Barnwell areas of Cambridge, as well as Gamlingay, Ely and Histon, between Monday, 20 May, and yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May).
Detective Sergeant Jon Lockwood, from the force’s Acquisitive Crime Team, said: “We’ve seen burglaries in Cambridge where victims are leaving doors and windows unlocked, which is being exploited by opportunistic burglars. There has been a spike of these, especially the Mill Road area.
“I would encourage people to report suspicious behaviour to us so we can get a fuller picture of what is happening in the community.
“None of these burglaries are linked and investigations are on-going.”
We recommend the following home security advice when you’re not at home:

  • Lift, lock and remove the key from your doors and make sure it’s double-locked if possible.
  • Make sure windows are secure and locked.
  • Make sure that any valuables are out of sight.
  • Keep handbags away from the letterbox or cat flap and hide all keys, including car keys, as a thief could hook keys or valuables through even a small opening.
  • Never leave car documents or ID in obvious places, such as kitchens or hallways.
  • In the evening, shut the curtains and leave lights on.
  • If you’re out all day, then it’s advisable to use a timer device to automatically turn lights and a radio on at night.
  • Set your burglar alarm.
  • Make sure the side gate is locked.
  • Lock your shed or garage.
  • Lock your bike inside a secure shed or garage, to a robust fitting bolted to the ground or wall, like a ground anchor.
    Further home security advice can be found on the force website.
    Details of the most recent burglaries and attempted burglaries in the south of Cambridgeshire are below:
  • Two purses with money, a licence and credit card were stolen between 4pm on Monday, 20 May, and 11am, on Wednesday, 21 May, from a home in Covent Garden, Cambridge city centre. Crime reference: 35/36594/24.
  • Three men entered a property in Mill Street, Gamlingay, at about 1.30pm yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May) and searched a property. They were chased from the house and escaped in a blue car, driven by a man. Crime reference: 35/36428/24.
  • A purse containing bank cards and money, a tin containing £300, and designer clothes were stolen from a home in Turner Drive, Ely, at about 2pm yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May). Crime reference: 35/36457/24
  • An attempted burglary at a house in Cambridge Road, Ely, at about 2.30pm yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May), where two men were seen trying to break in. They ran off towards Witchford Road when disturbed. Crime reference: 35/36498/24.
  • Jewellery was stolen from a house in Normanton Way, Histon, at about 3pm yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May). Three men were seen breaking in and leaving in a white car. Crime reference: 35/36449/24.
  • An attempted burglary at a house in Fernlea Close, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, at about 3.50pm yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May) where a man tried to get in through an unlocked door and ran away when the homeowner screamed. Reference: CC-22052024-0367.
  • A burglary at a home in Nicholson Way, King’s Hedges, Cambridge, between 4.20pm and 8pm yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May). Reference: CC-22052024-0519.
  • A wedding dress, passport and bank cards were stolen from a house in Wadloes Road, Barnwell, Cambridge, yesterday (Wednesday, 22 May). Reference: CC-22052024-0605.
    Anyone with any information or doorbell CCTV of any of these burglaries and attempted burglaries should report it through the force website using the relevant reference number.
    Anyone without internet access should call 101.
    In an emergency, dial 999 or you can report information through the force website.

Message Sent By
Matthew Brown
(Police , Communications Assistant , Corporate Communications )

Pink bin – electronic recycling bin

Willingham Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has used this bin while it has been located at the Ploughman Hall. Unfortunately we have been made aware that it was broken into and the contents stolen.

If you see any incidents please report them to the police.

Thank you

Willingham Parish Council

Willingham Cemetery

Due to unforeseen circumstances Willingham Parish Council are having to seek new contractors for the maintenance of Willingham Cemetery.

We are aware of the issues with the grass cutting at the cemetery and would like to apologise for any distress caused.

We are attempting to get the grass under control but would kindly ask if you could bear with us as it will take a few cuts to do this and is also weather dependent.

Thank you for your understanding.

Willingham Parish Council

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service – Free older driver workshop

eCops Logo The Police
Message Type Icon Free older driver workshops
We were pleased as ever to help Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service run a recent older driver workshop at Cambridge Fire Station. Below you can see Nick Southern, our casualty reduction officer. The workshops are free, in person sessions designed for those over 65 and currently driving, to help them keep driving safely for longer. 

They are delivered using community spaces and fire stations and so far, we’ve helped run more than 10 courses to more than 100 drivers. 
Are you interested in attending a session, or do you know someone who might be? There’s more sessions lined up in the future in areas across the county including Sutton, Chatteris and Whittlesey.    Find out more via the fire service’s website. There is a limit of 15 people per workshop.
Message Sent By
Tara Cox
(Police, Communications Officer, Corporate Communications)

Northstowe Survey

Northstowe are running a resident survey relating to future facilities which may be of interest to people in Willingham. They would like to encourage as many residents as possible from Willingham to take part.

It is an online survey which can be found here or by scanning the QR code on the poster below.

The survey will run until mid-June 2024.