Traffic Management Center Incident Report – February 2025

The Traffic Management Centre (TMC) monitors the county’s road network and reports any variations to the traffic flow, we refer to these as ‘incidents’. We use the term ‘incident’ to describe something that has happened on the County’s road network which has an impact (of varying degrees) on usual traffic flows. This could include, for example, a Road Traffic Collision, a burst water main or temporary traffic lights for road works.

We are using a new web-based system to log and display these incidents in both map and report formats.

This system can be viewed by visiting;

The system is still a work in progress and we have been using it live since August 2022, so anything pre-August has been ported over from our old log which is why there might not be as much detail in the information.

The TMC responded to 117 incidents on the road network throughout Cambridgeshire in February covering 20 weekdays. This figure is slightly lower to that of what we reported in February 2024 and a decrease to that of Januarys.

Please see the table below which illustrates the number of incidents over the last 6 months, compared to the same period last year;

Incidents by month/year


Our @Cambs_Traffic X account is our quickest engagement tool with the public and the interaction gives a good indication of how effective the messages are getting out to people.

Throughout January we gained 78 new followers however we lost some making the number lower than that of January’s. Our profile views and post impressions both decreased from that of January’s as well as our posts posted.

The table below illustrates the analytics over the last 6 months.

X AnalyticsSept-24Oct-24Nov-24Dec-24Jan-25Feb-25
Number of Followers17,30317,15716,90016,95816,90816,854
Increase in followers from previous month64-146-25758-50-54
Number of Posts  377253443397
Number of profile visits5505367821,200752488
Number of Post impressions280,300282,800305,600492,700333,464259,615

Note:  The number of Posts sent includes advance notice road works and event Posts alongside live incident Posts.

And some exciting news – we have now launched our Facebook and Instagram accounts! Following on from the success that we’ve had with the Cambs_Traffic social media account on X (formally Twitter), we wanted to share with you our new pages for Facebook and Instagram that will show advance warnings of road closures and impactful works throughout the county, educational posts about Highways & Transport and any Highways & Transport information moving forward, so we can reach a larger audience of the public within Cambridgeshire and beyond.

Our pages are:

Cambs Traffic on Facebook you can find here Cambs Traffic

Cambs_traffic on Instagram you can find here cambs_traffic

We will not be posting emergency and up to date traffic news such as delays etc within the county due to the algorithms used. We will continue using X to display this information as posts are posted immediately and in sequence.

For ease, you can find historic data from 2018 -2023 on google maps via the links below. If you have any queries or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us at

TMC Incidents 2018

TMC Incidents 2019

TMC Incidents 2020

TMC Incidents 2021

TMC Incidents 2022

TMC Incidents 2023

Following on from the latest update of the City Science system where we record our incidents, please be aware that when first opening the application it will now default to only showing you the last 28 days of incidents. We found performance of the controller page was struggling when showing the full history. If you want to revert to the old view, you can use the Timespan dropdown at the top of the sidebar and clear the “From” date (the actual clearing procedure is browser dependent, but it should be along the lines of clicking the date input, clicking “Clear” and then “Apply”).

A white x on a black background

Description automatically generated@Cambs_Traffic (Follow Link)

Traffic Management Team Cambridgeshire County Council

Highways Event for March 2025

Please find below the Highway Events diary for March. The diary shows all known events and their highway restrictions. The diary includes links to where further details, such as the specific road closure timings of each traffic management plan, can be viewed.

March’s Highlights

Cambridge Half Marathon – 9th March

Thriplow Daffodil Festival – 22nd & 23rd March

Future key event dates

St Ives & March – St Georges Day Parades – 27th March

*Please remember details of all highway events can be found on

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning – Summary of Planning Applications – 23.02.2025

Applications received (2)

The following applications have been received between 23/02/2025 and 02/03/2025.

Reference:23/03340/CONDCApplicant:Mr Luke Crisp
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started24/02/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand North East Of 155 Rampton Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JF
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditionss 3 (External Material), 4 (Carbon Emissions) and 21 (Hard and Soft Landscape) of planning permission 23/03340/FUL
Web Link
Reference:24/04402/NMA1Applicant:Mr Phil King
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Neil Harris
59 Balland Field
CB24 5JT
Date started21/02/2025
Case OfficerTom Chenery
TypeNon-Material Amendment
Site20 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HT
ProposalNon material amendment on application 24/04402/FUL for external walls to be black painted weatherboarding to match existing neighbouring outbuildings instead of brick and roof slates to be replaced with red tiling as adjacent outbuildings, or red bitumen tiling looking similar to the existing tiles.
Web Link

Applications on hand (18)

There are currently 18 applications on hand within your parish, these are as follows:

Reference:24/00221/CONDAApplicant:Mr Michael Venning
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started15/05/2024
Case OfficerJake Thomas-Mansfield
TypeCondition request
Site60 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3(Render/Colour) and 4(Repair work details) of planning permission 24/00221/LBC
Web Link
Reference:24/01326/CONDAApplicant:Mr Joe Rooney
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Philip Brown
Philip Brown Associates Limited
74 Park Road
CV21 2QX
CV21 2QX
Date started12/12/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteThe Piggery Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HB
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 6 (Onsite Waste Storage), 7 (Surface and Foul Water Drainage), 8 (Biodiversity Enhancement), 9 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) and 14(Biodiversity Gain) of planning permission 24/01326/FUL.
Web Link
Snowdon Homes
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Michael Smith
JCN Design & Planning
2 Exchange Court
London Road
Date started03/12/2024
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeCondition request
SiteLand To The Rear Of 1B Over Road Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5EU
ProposalSubmission of details required by condition 2 (sample panel of brickwork) of Reserved Matters application 21/00915/REM
Web Link
Reference:S/4337/19/CONDCApplicant:Mr Andrew Knowles
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Andrew Cann
Planning Direct
The Maltings
Princes Street
Date started18/07/2023
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeCondition request
SiteMelrose Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3 (Traffic Management Plan), 6 (Boundary Treatments), 7 (Surface and Foul Water), 9 (Scheme for Flood Resilient Construction) and 10 (Flood Plan) of planning permission S/4337/19/FL.
Web Link
Reference:23/03340/CONDCApplicant:Mr Luke Crisp
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started24/02/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand North East Of 155 Rampton Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JF
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditionss 3 (External Material), 4 (Carbon Emissions) and 21 (Hard and Soft Landscape) of planning permission 23/03340/FUL
Web Link
Reference:24/02416/FULApplicant:Mr Muzahidur Rahman
StatusResponse Received on: 01/08/2024Agent:Mr Philip Ward
Argyle Design
12 Stratfield Close
Date started12/07/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
Site43 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HS
ProposalConversion to 6 person HMO (sui generis), single storey rear extensions, addition of car parking to the rear and cycle store to the side (Retrospective).
Web Link
Reference:24/03765/FULApplicant:Miss Maedee Burge Rogers
StatusResponse Received on: 23/10/2024Agent:
Date started14/10/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
SiteWest Fen Farms West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5AP
ProposalConstruction of 2 No. agricultural buildings.
Web Link
Reference:24/04842/HFULApplicant:Mr & Mrs . Mansfield
In Care of Morton & Hall Consulting Ltd
StatusResponse Received on: 29/01/2025Agent:Mr J Scotcher
Morton & Hall Consulting Ltd
1 Gordon Avenue
PE15 8AJ
Date started06/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site92 Rampton Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JQ
ProposalRaising of ridge, change to roof form including first-floor front and side extensions. Ground-floor side and rear infill extension, partial garage conversion, ground floor front and side infill extension and changes to external roof and wall materials and installation of PV solar panels to rear.
Web Link
Reference:25/00186/HFULApplicant:Mr Jonathan Edney
StatusResponse Received on: 13/02/2025Agent:
Date started24/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site31 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalDemolition of existing front wall and break out footings, excavate footing other side of the path, construct new low wall, Repair south wall using existing loose bricks and lime mortar, reset two existing path stone slabs and replace one slab in same material.
Web Link
Reference:25/00152/HFULApplicant:Miss Sophia Covill
StatusResponse Received on: 29/01/2025Agent:
Date started16/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site2 Berrycroft Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JX
ProposalRetrospective part single-storey, part two-storey rear extension and proposed rear dormer
Web Link
Reference:25/00201/LBCApplicant:Mr Jonathan Edney
StatusResponse Received on: 13/02/2025Agent:
Date started24/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeListed Building Consent
Site31 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalDemolition of existing front wall and break out footings, excavate footing other side of the path, construct new low wall, Repair south wall using existing loose bricks and lime mortar, reset two existing path stone slabs and replace one slab in same material.
Web Link
Reference:24/04402/NMA1Applicant:Mr Phil King
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Neil Harris
59 Balland Field
CB24 5JT
Date started21/02/2025
Case OfficerTom Chenery
TypeNon-Material Amendment
Site20 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HT
ProposalNon material amendment on application 24/04402/FUL for external walls to be black painted weatherboarding to match existing neighbouring outbuildings instead of brick and roof slates to be replaced with red tiling as adjacent outbuildings, or red bitumen tiling looking similar to the existing tiles.
Web Link
Reference:24/04119/OUTApplicant:Mrs. Tamsin Almeida
StatusResponse Received on: 21/11/2024Agent:
Date started11/11/2024
Case OfficerAmy Stocks
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand At Avon Fields Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire
ProposalOutline application for up to 65-bed care home including detailed access and associated infrastructure from Haden Way with all other matters reserved.
Web Link
Reference:24/03808/OUTApplicant:Ms K Green
StatusResponse Received on: 13/01/2025Agent:Mr M Farrell
Farrell and Co
10 Pulteney Gardens
Date started17/12/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand To The Rear Of 29 Schole Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JD
ProposalOutline application for the erection of up to 4 No. dwellings in the rear garden with all matters reserved.
Web Link
Reference:23/01264/OUTApplicant:James Holland
StatusResponse Received on: 10/01/2024Agent:Edmund Clover
Clover Planning
Flat Road Farm
CB24 5JW
Date started03/04/2023
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SitePoplar Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalOutline application for the erection of an agricultural Workers Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access and scale.
Web Link
Millen Homes Limited
StatusResponse Received on: 13/02/2025Agent:
Date started04/02/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand Lying To The South Of Millfield Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HD
ProposalOutline application for the development of 1 No Custom Build/Self Build Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access, layout and scale.
Web Link
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Ms Jemma Brown
Devonshires Solicitors LLP
Suite B1, The Octagon
27 Middleborough
Date started01/10/2020
Case OfficerToby Williams
Site1-4 (inclusive) Aspinalls Yard Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5AN
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in a Section 106 Agreement dated 13 August 2015 and a deed of variation dated 5 March 2018 pursuant to planning permission S/0524/14/FL relating to land South of Over Road, Willingham
Web Link
Reference:24/04440/S106AApplicant:Accent Housing Limited
Accent Housing Limited
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Jake Stentiford
Surface Planning Limited
Date started27/11/2024
Case OfficerAmy Stocks
SiteLand At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in an agreement dated 27 March 2018 in pursuance of Section 106 of the 1990 Act between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge County Council, as amended by a Deed of Variation between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Accent Homemade Limited dated 23 September 2021.
Web Link

Applications determined/closed (2)

The following decisions have been issued between 23/02/2025 and 02/03/2025.

Reference:21/00146/CONDHApplicant:Miss Megan Bemrose
Burmor Construction Ltd
StatusRefuse to Discharge ConditionAgent:Miss Megan Bemrose
Burmor Construction Ltd
Burmor House Sunderland Road
Northfields Industrial Estate
Date started28/01/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 8c (Remediation Method) of planning permission 21/00146/S73.
Web Link
Reference:24/04329/OUTApplicant:Mr And Mrs Andrew And Mary Coe
StatusApplication PermittedAgent:Mr Aaron Coe
4 Swifts Close
CB23 8BD
Date started18/11/2024
Case OfficerMelissa Reynolds
TypeOutline Application
SiteOakhurst Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DS
ProposalOutline planning consent for the proposed demolition of the existing B8 storage and distribution buildings and the erection of two self-build / custom build dwellings.
Web Link

Appeals started

*** No Results ***

Appeals on hand

*** No Results ***


*** No Results ***

Compliance Cases Received and Closed


Open Compliance Cases by priority level

Priority A0
Priority B1
Priority C6

Open Compliance Cases by age


Public Enforcement Notices served

*** No Results ***

Data extracted at: 03/03/2025 07:04:02

eCops Logo Action Fraud (NFIB)
People looking to snap up online holiday deals ahead of the summer are being warned to stay extra alert and do their research before booking their getaways, as new data reveals victims lost a total of over £11 million to holiday fraud last year.   

Action Fraud, the national fraud and cybercrime reporting service, has launched a holiday fraud campaign, urging the public who are looking to snap up their next holiday deals online to look out for suspiciously enticing offers online, including on social media, and do their research before booking their getaways.  

New data shows there were 6,066 reports of holiday fraud made to Action Fraud last year, with July recorded as the highest month of reporting with 647 reports.  Holiday makers lost a combined total of £11,183,957 in 2024, which is comparatively less than the £12.3 million lost in 2023. Despite, the drop in reported loss, the average loss per victim remains at similar levels, with £1,851 the average in 2023 and £1,844 in 2024.   

What can you do to protect yourself from holiday fraud?   
·  Check the travel company is legitimate: about to book a holiday? Do some research first to check that the company is legitimate, especially if you haven’t used them before. Use consumer websites, or reviews from people (or organisations) that you trust.
·  Look for the logos: look for the ABTAABTOT or ATOL logos on the company’s website. If you’re unsure, you can use the links below to verify membership: ABTA –  ABTOT –  ATOL – 
·  Use a credit card to pay: use a credit card for payments (if you have one). Many of these protect online purchases as part of the Consumer Credit Act. ·  Only provide required details at checkout: when making your payment, only fill in the mandatory details (often marked with an asterisk) such as your address. Unless you think you’ll become a regular customer, don’t create an account for the store.
·  Keep your accounts secure: create a strong and unique password for your email. If 2-step verification is available, always enable it.
·  Watch out for suspicious links: whether it’s in an email or social media post, be wary of promotions for unbelievably good holiday offers. If you receive a suspicious email, report it by forwarding it to:

Find out how to protect yourself from fraud:  

If you’ve lost money or provided your financial information to someone, notify your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud at or by calling 0300 123 2040. In Scotland, call Police Scotland on 101.  

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning – Summary of planning applications – week commencing 16.02.2025 – Willingham

Applications received

*** No Results ***

Applications on hand (18)

There are currently 18 applications on hand within your parish, these are as follows:

Reference:24/00221/CONDAApplicant:Mr Michael Venning
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started15/05/2024
Case OfficerJake Thomas-Mansfield
TypeCondition request
Site60 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3(Render/Colour) and 4(Repair work details) of planning permission 24/00221/LBC
Web Link
Reference:24/01326/CONDAApplicant:Mr Joe Rooney
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Philip Brown
Philip Brown Associates Limited
74 Park Road
CV21 2QX
CV21 2QX
Date started12/12/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteThe Piggery Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HB
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 6 (Onsite Waste Storage), 7 (Surface and Foul Water Drainage), 8 (Biodiversity Enhancement), 9 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) and 14(Biodiversity Gain) of planning permission 24/01326/FUL.
Web Link
Snowdon Homes
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Michael Smith
JCN Design & Planning
2 Exchange Court
London Road
Date started03/12/2024
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeCondition request
SiteLand To The Rear Of 1B Over Road Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5EU
ProposalSubmission of details required by condition 2 (sample panel of brickwork) of Reserved Matters application 21/00915/REM
Web Link
Reference:S/4337/19/CONDCApplicant:Mr Andrew Knowles
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Andrew Cann
Planning Direct
The Maltings
Princes Street
Date started18/07/2023
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeCondition request
SiteMelrose Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3 (Traffic Management Plan), 6 (Boundary Treatments), 7 (Surface and Foul Water), 9 (Scheme for Flood Resilient Construction) and 10 (Flood Plan) of planning permission S/4337/19/FL.
Web Link
Reference:21/00146/CONDHApplicant:Miss Megan Bemrose
Burmor Construction Ltd
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Miss Megan Bemrose
Burmor Construction Ltd
Burmor House Sunderland Road
Northfields Industrial Estate
Date started28/01/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 8c (Remediation Method) of planning permission 21/00146/S73.
Web Link
Reference:24/02416/FULApplicant:Mr Muzahidur Rahman
StatusResponse Received on: 01/08/2024Agent:Mr Philip Ward
Argyle Design
12 Stratfield Close
Date started12/07/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
Site43 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HS
ProposalConversion to 6 person HMO (sui generis), single storey rear extensions, addition of car parking to the rear and cycle store to the side (Retrospective).
Web Link
Reference:24/03765/FULApplicant:Miss Maedee Burge Rogers
StatusResponse Received on: 23/10/2024Agent:
Date started14/10/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
SiteWest Fen Farms West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5AP
ProposalConstruction of 2 No. agricultural buildings.
Web Link
Reference:24/04842/HFULApplicant:Mr & Mrs . Mansfield
In Care of Morton & Hall Consulting Ltd
StatusResponse Received on: 29/01/2025Agent:Mr J Scotcher
Morton & Hall Consulting Ltd
1 Gordon Avenue
PE15 8AJ
Date started06/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site92 Rampton Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JQ
ProposalRaising of ridge, change to roof form including first-floor front and side extensions. Ground-floor side and rear infill extension, partial garage conversion, ground floor front and side infill extension and changes to external roof and wall materials and installation of PV solar panels to rear.
Web Link
Reference:25/00186/HFULApplicant:Mr Jonathan Edney
StatusResponse Received on: 13/02/2025Agent:
Date started24/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site31 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalDemolition of existing front wall and break out footings, excavate footing other side of the path, construct new low wall, Repair south wall using existing loose bricks and lime mortar, reset two existing path stone slabs and replace one slab in same material.
Web Link
Reference:25/00152/HFULApplicant:Miss Sophia Covill
StatusResponse Received on: 29/01/2025Agent:
Date started16/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site2 Berrycroft Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JX
ProposalRetrospective part single-storey, part two-storey rear extension and proposed rear dormer
Web Link
Reference:25/00201/LBCApplicant:Mr Jonathan Edney
StatusResponse Received on: 13/02/2025Agent:
Date started24/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeListed Building Consent
Site31 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalDemolition of existing front wall and break out footings, excavate footing other side of the path, construct new low wall, Repair south wall using existing loose bricks and lime mortar, reset two existing path stone slabs and replace one slab in same material.
Web Link
Reference:24/04329/OUTApplicant:Mr And Mrs Andrew And Mary Coe
StatusResponse Received on: 11/12/2024Agent:Mr Aaron Coe
4 Swift Close
CB23 8BD
Date started18/11/2024
Case OfficerMelissa Reynolds
TypeOutline Application
SiteOakhurst Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DS
ProposalOutline planning consent for the proposed demolition of the existing B8 storage and distribution buildings and the erection of two self-build / custom build dwellings.
Web Link
Reference:24/04119/OUTApplicant:Mrs. Tamsin Almeida
StatusResponse Received on: 21/11/2024Agent:
Date started11/11/2024
Case OfficerAmy Stocks
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand At Avon Fields Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire
ProposalOutline application for up to 65-bed care home including detailed access and associated infrastructure from Haden Way with all other matters reserved.
Web Link
Reference:24/03808/OUTApplicant:Ms K Green
StatusResponse Received on: 13/01/2025Agent:Mr M Farrell
Farrell and Co
10 Pulteney Gardens
Date started17/12/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand To The Rear Of 29 Schole Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JD
ProposalOutline application for the erection of up to 4 No. dwellings in the rear garden with all matters reserved.
Web Link
Reference:23/01264/OUTApplicant:James Holland
StatusResponse Received on: 10/01/2024Agent:Edmund Clover
Clover Planning
Flat Road Farm
CB24 5JW
Date started03/04/2023
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SitePoplar Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalOutline application for the erection of an agricultural Workers Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access and scale.
Web Link
Millen Homes Limited
StatusResponse Received on: 13/02/2025Agent:
Date started04/02/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand Lying To The South Of Millfield Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HD
ProposalOutline application for the development of 1 No Custom Build/Self Build Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access, layout and scale.
Web Link
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Ms Jemma Brown
Devonshires Solicitors LLP
Suite B1, The Octagon
27 Middleborough
Date started01/10/2020
Case OfficerToby Williams
Site1-4 (inclusive) Aspinalls Yard Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5AN
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in a Section 106 Agreement dated 13 August 2015 and a deed of variation dated 5 March 2018 pursuant to planning permission S/0524/14/FL relating to land South of Over Road, Willingham
Web Link
Reference:24/04440/S106AApplicant:Accent Housing Limited
Accent Housing Limited
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Jake Stentiford
Surface Planning Limited
Date started27/11/2024
Case OfficerAmy Stocks
SiteLand At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in an agreement dated 27 March 2018 in pursuance of Section 106 of the 1990 Act between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge County Council, as amended by a Deed of Variation between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Accent Homemade Limited dated 23 September 2021.
Web Link

Applications determined/closed (1)

The following decisions have been issued between 16/02/2025 and 23/02/2025.

Reference:23/03340/CONDBApplicant:Mr Luke Crisp
StatusDischarge Condition in FullAgent:
Date started20/01/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand North East Of 155 Rampton Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JF
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 8 (waste), 17 (surface water and foul water) and 19 (method statement) of planning permission 23/03340/FUL
Web Link

Appeals started

*** No Results ***

Appeals on hand

*** No Results ***


*** No Results ***

Compliance Cases Received and Closed


Open Compliance Cases by priority level

Priority A0
Priority B1
Priority C6

Open Compliance Cases by age


Public Enforcement Notices served

*** No Results ***

Data extracted at: 24/02/2025 07:03:30

ECops – Work continues following coursing disorder

eCops Logo The Police
Message Type Icon Work continues following coursing and disorder
Dear Mandy, This morning officers were in Cambridge and Spalding carrying out further arrest attempts in connection with violent disorder and hare coursing caused across the county last month. While no arrests were made today, messages were passed to friends, neighbours and relatives encouraging the individuals to make contact or expect police to continue to visit.   The force have made 12 arrests since the incident on 25 January and the investigation team will not rest until all those identified have been spoken to. All of the people arrested were released with strict bail conditions. Kind Regards, Detective Inspector Matt Selves  
Message Sent By
Tara Dundon
(Police, Senior Communications Officer, All)

E-Cops – Raise your concerns at a community meeting

eCops Logo The Police
Message Type Icon Raise your concerns at community meeting
🏠 Do you live in South Cambridgeshire? 👮 Would you like to meet your neighbourhood policing team? 🚔 Hear what they have been working on over the past three months? 🤝 Help set the priorities for the coming quarter? 📆 If you’ve answered yes to all of the above then sign up to the online police community meeting on 26th February at 7pm. 💻 Email ‘SOUTH CAMBS’ to or reply to this ecops and you will be sent an invite. If you haven’t attended one of the meetings before, it is chaired by our neighbourhood Inspector Simon Birch and his team. They allow members of the public to virtually meet their neighbourhood officers and hear about recent activity. Attendees will also get the opportunity to raise any concerns they have and help shape future priorities. We also have a survey we encourage residents to complete once a quarter so we can understand concerns and address them regularly. We hope to see you at the meeting. Kind Regards,  

ECops – Four further arrests linked to hare coursing and violent disorder

Four more men have been arrested today in connection with the investigation into violent disorder and criminality that occurred across Cambridgeshire last month.

A force-led investigation was launched on 25 January following multiple complaints of hare coursing, criminal damage and dangerous driving in various parts of the county.

Today, Cambridgeshire police were supported by Thames Valley Police in carrying out a number of warrants in the Slough and Reading areas.

A 44-year-old man from Horton, two men aged 19 and 44 from Datchet and a 28-year-old man from Winkfield were arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and attending a hare coursing event. They all remain in custody at Thorpe Wood Police Station.

Video of the further arrests can be viewed on our YouTube page.

This takes the number of arrests so far to 10.

We made a commitment to the communities affected by the events last month that we would do all we can to pursue those responsible for the abhorrent criminality.

I hope our continued efforts to identify people and bring them into custody is providing some reassurance that we are taking this seriously and fully investigating.

Anyone with any information and footage that could assist in identifying those involved is asked to email or contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, by calling 0800 555111 or online.

Kind Regards, Superintendent Ben Martin  

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning – Summary of Planning Applications – Week commencing 02/02/2025 – Willingham

Applications received (1)

The following applications have been received between 02/02/2025 and 09/02/2025.

Millen Homes Limited
StatusConsultation period expires: 05/03/2025Agent:
Date started04/02/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand Lying To The South Of Millfield Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HD
ProposalOutline application for the development of 1 No Custom Build/Self Build Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access, layout and scale.
Web Link

Applications on hand (19)

There are currently 19 applications on hand within your parish, these are as follows:

Reference:24/00221/CONDAApplicant:Mr Michael Venning
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started15/05/2024
Case OfficerJake Thomas-Mansfield
TypeCondition request
Site60 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3(Render/Colour) and 4(Repair work details) of planning permission 24/00221/LBC
Web Link
Reference:24/01326/CONDAApplicant:Mr Joe Rooney
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Philip Brown
Philip Brown Associates Limited
74 Park Road
CV21 2QX
CV21 2QX
Date started12/12/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteThe Piggery Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HB
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 6 (Onsite Waste Storage), 7 (Surface and Foul Water Drainage), 8 (Biodiversity Enhancement), 9 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) and 14(Biodiversity Gain) of planning permission 24/01326/FUL.
Web Link
Snowdon Homes
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Michael Smith
JCN Design & Planning
2 Exchange Court
London Road
Date started03/12/2024
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeCondition request
SiteLand To The Rear Of 1B Over Road Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5EU
ProposalSubmission of details required by condition 2 (sample panel of brickwork) of Reserved Matters application 21/00915/REM
Web Link
Reference:S/4337/19/CONDCApplicant:Mr Andrew Knowles
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Andrew Cann
Planning Direct
The Maltings
Princes Street
Date started18/07/2023
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeCondition request
SiteMelrose Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3 (Traffic Management Plan), 6 (Boundary Treatments), 7 (Surface and Foul Water), 9 (Scheme for Flood Resilient Construction) and 10 (Flood Plan) of planning permission S/4337/19/FL.
Web Link
Reference:23/03340/CONDBApplicant:Mr Luke Crisp
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started20/01/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand North East Of 155 Rampton Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JF
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 8 (waste), 17 (surface water and foul water) and 19 (method statement) of planning permission 23/03340/FUL
Web Link
Reference:21/00146/CONDHApplicant:Miss Megan Bemrose
Burmor Construction Ltd
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Miss Megan Bemrose
Burmor Construction Ltd
Burmor House Sunderland Road
Northfields Industrial Estate
Date started28/01/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 8c (Remediation Method) of planning permission 21/00146/S73.
Web Link
Reference:24/02416/FULApplicant:Mr Muzahidur Rahman
StatusResponse Received on: 01/08/2024Agent:Mr Philip Ward
Argyle Design
12 Stratfield Close
Date started12/07/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
Site43 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HS
ProposalConversion to 6 person HMO (sui generis), single storey rear extensions, addition of car parking to the rear and cycle store to the side (Retrospective).
Web Link
Reference:24/03765/FULApplicant:Miss Maedee Burge Rogers
StatusResponse Received on: 23/10/2024Agent:
Date started14/10/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
SiteWest Fen Farms West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5AP
ProposalConstruction of 2 No. agricultural buildings.
Web Link
Reference:24/04842/HFULApplicant:Mr & Mrs . Mansfield
In Care of Morton & Hall Consulting Ltd
StatusResponse Received on: 29/01/2025Agent:Mr J Scotcher
Morton & Hall Consulting Ltd
1 Gordon Avenue
PE15 8AJ
Date started06/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site92 Rampton Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JQ
ProposalRaising of ridge, change to roof form including first-floor front and side extensions. Ground-floor side and rear infill extension, partial garage conversion, ground floor front and side infill extension and changes to external roof and wall materials and installation of PV solar panels to rear.
Web Link
Reference:25/00186/HFULApplicant:Mr Jonathan Edney
StatusConsultation period expires: 26/02/2025Agent:
Date started24/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site31 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalDemolition of existing front wall and break out footings, excavate footing other side of the path, construct new low wall, Repair south wall using existing loose bricks and lime mortar, reset two existing path stone slabs and replace one slab in same material.
Web Link
Reference:25/00152/HFULApplicant:Miss Sophia Covill
StatusResponse Received on: 29/01/2025Agent:
Date started16/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site2 Berrycroft Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JX
ProposalRetrospective part single-storey, part two-storey rear extension and proposed rear dormer
Web Link
Reference:25/00201/LBCApplicant:Mr Jonathan Edney
StatusConsultation period expires: 26/02/2025Agent:
Date started24/01/2025
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeListed Building Consent
Site31 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalDemolition of existing front wall and break out footings, excavate footing other side of the path, construct new low wall, Repair south wall using existing loose bricks and lime mortar, reset two existing path stone slabs and replace one slab in same material.
Web Link
Reference:24/04329/OUTApplicant:Mr And Mrs Andrew And Mary Coe
StatusResponse Received on: 11/12/2024Agent:Mr Aaron Coe
4 Swift Close
CB23 8BD
Date started18/11/2024
Case OfficerMelissa Reynolds
TypeOutline Application
SiteOakhurst Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DS
ProposalOutline planning consent for the proposed demolition of the existing B8 storage and distribution buildings and the erection of two self-build / custom build dwellings.
Web Link
Reference:24/04119/OUTApplicant:Mrs. Tamsin Almeida
StatusResponse Received on: 21/11/2024Agent:
Date started11/11/2024
Case OfficerAmy Stocks
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand At Avon Fields Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire
ProposalOutline application for up to 65-bed care home including detailed access and associated infrastructure from Haden Way with all other matters reserved.
Web Link
Reference:24/03808/OUTApplicant:Ms K Green
StatusResponse Received on: 13/01/2025Agent:Mr M Farrell
Farrell and Co
10 Pulteney Gardens
Date started17/12/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand To The Rear Of 29 Schole Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JD
ProposalOutline application for the erection of up to 4 No. dwellings in the rear garden with all matters reserved.
Web Link
Reference:23/01264/OUTApplicant:James Holland
StatusResponse Received on: 10/01/2024Agent:Edmund Clover
Clover Planning
Flat Road Farm
CB24 5JW
Date started03/04/2023
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SitePoplar Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalOutline application for the erection of an agricultural Workers Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access and scale.
Web Link
Millen Homes Limited
StatusConsultation period expires: 05/03/2025Agent:
Date started04/02/2025
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteLand Lying To The South Of Millfield Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HD
ProposalOutline application for the development of 1 No Custom Build/Self Build Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access, layout and scale.
Web Link
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Ms Jemma Brown
Devonshires Solicitors LLP
Suite B1, The Octagon
27 Middleborough
Date started01/10/2020
Case OfficerToby Williams
Site1-4 (inclusive) Aspinalls Yard Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5AN
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in a Section 106 Agreement dated 13 August 2015 and a deed of variation dated 5 March 2018 pursuant to planning permission S/0524/14/FL relating to land South of Over Road, Willingham
Web Link
Reference:24/04440/S106AApplicant:Accent Housing Limited
Accent Housing Limited
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Jake Stentiford
Surface Planning Limited
Date started27/11/2024
Case OfficerAmy Stocks
SiteLand At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in an agreement dated 27 March 2018 in pursuance of Section 106 of the 1990 Act between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge County Council, as amended by a Deed of Variation between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Accent Homemade Limited dated 23 September 2021.
Web Link

Applications determined/closed (3)

The following decisions have been issued between 02/02/2025 and 09/02/2025.

Reference:24/03796/FULApplicant:Mr S Sahota
StatusRefused ApplicationAgent:Mr Andy Law
Complete Design
84 Queens Road
Date started10/12/2024
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeFull Application
Site56-58 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HT
ProposalSingle storey rear extension.
Web Link
Reference:24/03267/HFULApplicant:Mr Shaun Andrews
StatusRefused ApplicationAgent:
Date started09/12/2024
Case OfficerJake Thomas-Mansfield
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site8 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalPart two storey, part single storey side and rear extension.
Web Link
Reference:24/04741/S73Applicant:Mr & Mrs Curtis
StatusApplication PermittedAgent:Ian Waters
Ian Waters Design Ltd
Needingworth Rd
St Ives
PE27 5JT
Date started20/12/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeSection 73 – Remove/Vary Condition
SiteLand Adjacent To 74 Station Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HG
ProposalS73 to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 24/02229/S73 (S73 to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 23/01065/FUL (Development of 2 detached passive 4 bedroom dwellings on land on the west side of Station Road, Willingham) Minor change and improvement to the dwellinghouse plans, elevations and location on site) for the addition of 2 No carports.
Web Link

Appeals started

*** No Results ***

Appeals on hand

*** No Results ***


*** No Results ***

Compliance Cases Received and Closed


Open Compliance Cases by priority level

Priority A0
Priority B1
Priority C6

Open Compliance Cases by age


Public Enforcement Notices served

*** No Results ***