Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Summary – 03.11.2024

Applications received (2)

The following applications have been received between 03/11/2024 and 10/11/2024.

Reference:24/04127/FULApplicant:Mr & Mrs Curtis
StatusConsultation period expires: 04/12/2024Agent:Ian Waters
Ian Waters Design Ltd
43 Needingworth Rd
St Ives
PE27 5JT
Date started04/11/2024
Case OfficerTom Chenery
TypeFull Application
SiteLand Adjacent To 74 Station Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HG
ProposalErection of 2 No timber carports.
Web Link
Reference:24/04133/S73Applicant:Mr Darren Perry
Tilia Homes
StatusConsultation period expires: 04/12/2024Agent:Mr Robert Barber
Pegasus Group
Pegasus Planning Group Ltd
Pioneer House
Chivers Way Histon Cambridge
CB24 9NL
Date started04/11/2024
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeSection 73 – Remove/Vary Condition
SiteLand Off Rockmill End & Meadow Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HY
ProposalS73 to vary conditions 1 (Approved plans) and 4 (LEAP) of reserved matters planning permission reference S/0122/18/RM (Reserved Matters application for 72 residential dwellings including Parking Public Open Space Local Equipped Area for Play Pumping Station Swale Landscaping and associated infrastructure pursuant to outline planning application S/2833/15/OL. This is not EIA development) for the retrospective relocation and changes to the Locally Equipped Area of Play, balancing pond, pump station and allotment.
Web Link

Applications on hand (19)

There are currently 19 applications on hand within your parish, these are as follows:

Reference:22/02712/CONDCApplicant:Andy Hall
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started31/10/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand Off Black Pit Drove Willingham Cambridge CB24 5JP
ProposalSubmission of details required by condition 3 (Contamination – Phase I) of planning permission 22/02712/PRIOR
Web Link
Reference:24/00221/CONDAApplicant:Mr Michael Venning
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started15/05/2024
Case OfficerJake Thomas-Mansfield
TypeCondition request
Site60 High Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5ES
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3(Render/Colour) and 4(Repair work details) of planning permission 24/00221/LBC
Web Link
Reference:21/00146/CONDGApplicant:Accent Homemade Limited
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr R Swann
Swann Edwards Architecture Limited
Black Barn
Fen Road
PE13 4AA
Date started06/09/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeCondition request
SiteLand At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 4 (Hard and Soft Landscaping works) and 17 (External Lighting) of planning permission 21/00146/S73
Web Link
Reference:S/4337/19/CONDCApplicant:Mr Andrew Knowles
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Andrew Cann
Planning Direct
The Maltings
Princes Street
Date started18/07/2023
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeCondition request
SiteMelrose Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalSubmission of details required by conditions 3 (Traffic Management Plan), 6 (Boundary Treatments), 7 (Surface and Foul Water), 9 (Scheme for Flood Resilient Construction) and 10 (Flood Plan) of planning permission S/4337/19/FL.
Web Link
Reference:24/01326/FULApplicant:Mr Joe Rooney
StatusResponse Received on: 23/10/2024Agent:Mr Philip Brown
Philip Brown Associates Limited
74 Park Road
CV21 2QX
Date started17/07/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
SiteThe Piggery Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HB
ProposalRetrospective change of use of land to use as residential caravan site providing 8 gypsy/traveller pitches, including the stationing of 16 caravans of which no more than 8 shall be statis caravans/mobile homes, together with the laying of hardstanding and erection of 3no amenity buildings.
Web Link
Reference:24/02416/FULApplicant:Mr Muzahidur Rahman
StatusResponse Received on: 01/08/2024Agent:Mr Philip Ward
Argyle Design
12 Stratfield Close
Date started12/07/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
Site43 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HS
ProposalConversion to 6 person HMO (sui generis), single storey rear extensions, addition of car parking to the rear and cycle store to the side (Retrospective).
Web Link
Reference:24/04127/FULApplicant:Mr & Mrs Curtis
StatusConsultation period expires: 04/12/2024Agent:Ian Waters
Ian Waters Design Ltd
43 Needingworth Rd
St Ives
PE27 5JT
Date started04/11/2024
Case OfficerTom Chenery
TypeFull Application
SiteLand Adjacent To 74 Station Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HG
ProposalErection of 2 No timber carports.
Web Link
Reference:24/03565/FULApplicant:Mr Umberto Di palma
StatusResponse Received on: 15/10/2024Agent:Mrs Adri Visagie
21 Nortfield
Date started25/09/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
Site33 Earith Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LS
ProposalConstruction of 1 No. one and a half storey dwelling at the rear of 33 Earith Road
Web Link
Reference:24/03765/FULApplicant:Miss Maedee Burge Rogers
StatusResponse Received on: 23/10/2024Agent:
Date started14/10/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
SiteWest Fen Farms West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5AP
ProposalConstruction of 2 No. agricultural buildings.
Web Link
StatusResponse Received on: 15/10/2024Agent:Mr Frazer Stannard
The English Listed Building Co
17 West Street
St Ives
PE27 5PL
Date started23/09/2024
Case OfficerGrace Cherrington
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site60 Church Street Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HT
ProposalRetrospective installation of solar panels and a skylight to existing outbuildings in rear garden.
Web Link
Reference:24/03794/HFULApplicant:Mr Dan Curtis
Dan Curtis Architecture
StatusResponse Received on: 07/11/2024Agent:Mr Dan Curtis
Dan Curtis Architecture
The Studio
26 Church Lane
Date started21/10/2024
Case OfficerMadalina-Mihaela Ghita
TypeHouseholder Works/Extension
Site30 Rockmill End Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HY
ProposalTwo storey rear and side extension, alteration of roof from hip to gable with an increase in ridge height and removal of chimneys and alterations to fenestrations following demolition of single storey outrigger and outbuilding. Erection of single storey outbuilding/home office.
Web Link
Reference:24/02619/OUTApplicant:Mr James Flack
StatusResponse Received on: 26/09/2024Agent:Mr Lewis Collins
Partners in Planning and Architecture
Suite 2 Clare Hall
St Ives Business Park
Parsons Green
St Ives
PE27 4WY
Date started11/07/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteAvon Fields, Land At Haden Way Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HB
ProposalOutline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 4no. custom build dwellings
Web Link
Reference:23/04110/OUTApplicant:A H Farming Ltd
StatusResponse Received on: 23/11/2023Agent:Louise Gregory
Acorus Rural Property Services
Old Market Office
10 Risbygate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3AA
Date started30/10/2023
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SiteWest Fen Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalOutline application for the erection of an agricultural dwelling with all matters reserved.
Web Link
Reference:23/01264/OUTApplicant:James Holland
StatusResponse Received on: 10/01/2024Agent:Edmund Clover
Clover Planning
Flat Road Farm
CB24 5JW
Date started03/04/2023
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeOutline Application
SitePoplar Farm West Fen Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5LP
ProposalOutline application for the erection of an agricultural Workers Dwelling with some matters reserved except for access and scale.
Web Link
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Ms Jemma Brown
Devonshires Solicitors LLP
Suite B1, The Octagon
27 Middleborough
Date started01/10/2020
Case OfficerToby Williams
Site1-4 (inclusive) Aspinalls Yard Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5AN
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in a Section 106 Agreement dated 13 August 2015 and a deed of variation dated 5 March 2018 pursuant to planning permission S/0524/14/FL relating to land South of Over Road, Willingham
Web Link
StatusInformation onlyAgent:
Date started30/07/2019
Case OfficerJames Tipping
SiteLand On The East Side Of Rockmill End Willingham Cambridge
ProposalModification of planning obligations contained in a section 106 agreement dated 19th May 2017 and made between 1) South Cambridgeshire District Council 2) Cambridgeshire County Council and 3) The Ely Dioscesan Board of Finance relating to development of Land on the East side of Rockmill End Willingham
Web Link
Reference:24/03801/S73Applicant:Mr Darren Perry
Tilia Homes
StatusConsultation period expires: 04/12/2024Agent:Ms Hollie McPherson
Pegasus Group
Pegasus Planning Group Ltd
Pioneer House
Chivers Way Histon Cambridge
CB24 9NL
Date started04/11/2024
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeSection 73 – Remove/Vary Condition
SiteLand Off Rockmill End & Meadow Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HY
ProposalS73 to vary conditions 4 (Approved plans), 14 (Surface water drainage plan) and 34 (Flood Risk Assessment) of outline planning permission reference S/2833/15/OL, (Outline application with full details of access for up to 72 residential units relocation of allotments and provision of public open space with matters relating to layout scale landscaping and appearance reserved for future determination) for the retrospective relocation and changes to the Locally Equipped Area of Play, balancing pond, pump station and allotment.
Web Link
Reference:24/04133/S73Applicant:Mr Darren Perry
Tilia Homes
StatusConsultation period expires: 04/12/2024Agent:Mr Robert Barber
Pegasus Group
Pegasus Planning Group Ltd
Pioneer House
Chivers Way Histon Cambridge
CB24 9NL
Date started04/11/2024
Case OfficerAlice Young
TypeSection 73 – Remove/Vary Condition
SiteLand Off Rockmill End & Meadow Road Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5HY
ProposalS73 to vary conditions 1 (Approved plans) and 4 (LEAP) of reserved matters planning permission reference S/0122/18/RM (Reserved Matters application for 72 residential dwellings including Parking Public Open Space Local Equipped Area for Play Pumping Station Swale Landscaping and associated infrastructure pursuant to outline planning application S/2833/15/OL. This is not EIA development) for the retrospective relocation and changes to the Locally Equipped Area of Play, balancing pond, pump station and allotment.
Web Link
Reference:24/1171/TTCAApplicant:Mrs Rudderham
Willingham Parish Council
StatusInformation onlyAgent:Mr Andrew Fenwick
Atlas Tree Surgery Ltd
Unit 11
Norman Way Industrial Estate
CB24 5QE
Date started17/10/2024
Case OfficerJay Patel
TypeWorks to CA trees
SiteStreet Record Footpath Between Church Street And Green Street Willingham Cambridgeshire
ProposalT1 – Rowan – Prune back the tips of the South Western lateral branches by up to 0.5m to prevent berries being a slip hazard on the path.
Web Link

Applications determined/closed (1)

The following decisions have been issued between 03/11/2024 and 10/11/2024.

Reference:24/03341/FULApplicant:MRS LESLEY HOWARD
StatusApplication PermittedAgent:Mr Paul Levitt
plan it architecture + design
108 High Street
CB24 8RX
Date started12/09/2024
Case OfficerPhoebe Carter
TypeFull Application
Site49 Newington Willingham Cambridgeshire CB24 5JE
ProposalSingle storey 1 bedroom self build dwelling to the rear garden.
Web Link

Appeals started

*** No Results ***

Appeals on hand (5)

There are currently 5 open appeals within your parish, these are as follows:

Reference:Applicant:Mr Billy Hancock
StatusAppeal In ProgressAgent:Miss Claire Booker
37-41 Castle Street Hertford SG14 1HH
37-41 Castle Street
SG14 1HH
Date started15/01/2024
Case OfficerAlistair Funge
TypeAppeal against enforcement notice
SiteCherry Trees Iram Drove Willingham Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 5HZ
ProposalThe alleged occupation of dwelling in breach of planning condition 1 of planning permission C/0012/67 for the erection of dwelling and garage which reads: The occupation of the dwelling shall be limited to persons employed locally in agriculture as defined in Section 221 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1962, or in forestry, and the dependents of such persons
Reference:Applicant:Anthony Desmond Finlay
StatusAppeal In ProgressAgent:Mr Abba Lakha KC
29 Lincolns Inn Fields London WC2A 3EG
29 Lincolns Inn Fields
Date started11/09/2023
Case OfficerAlistair Funge
TypeAppeal against enforcement notice
SiteCherry Trees Priest Lane Willingham CB24 5HZ
ProposalMalanois Dog rescue kennels operating from site without planning permission.
Reference:Applicant:Niamh Elizabeth Finlay Howe
StatusAppeal In ProgressAgent:Mr Abba Lakha KC
29 Lincolns Inn Fields London WC2A 3EG
29 Lincolns Inn Fields
Date started11/09/2023
Case OfficerAlistair Funge
TypeAppeal against enforcement notice
SiteCherry Trees Priest Lane Willingham CB24 5HZ
ProposalMalanois Dog rescue kennels operating from site without planning permission.
Reference:Applicant:Mary Siobhan Howe
StatusAppeal In ProgressAgent:Mr Abbas Lakha KC
29 Lincolns Inn Fields London WC2A 3EG
29 Lincolns Inn Fields
Date started11/09/2023
Case OfficerAlistair Funge
TypeAppeal against enforcement notice
SiteCherry Trees Priest Lane Willingham CB24 5HZ
ProposalMalanois Dog rescue kennels operating from site without planning permission.
Reference:Applicant:Mr Billy Jamie Hancock
StatusAppeal In ProgressAgent:Mr Abba Lakha KC
29 Lincolns Inn Fields London WC2A 3EG
29 Lincolns Inn Fields
Date started11/09/2023
Case OfficerAlistair Funge
TypeAppeal against enforcement notice
SiteCherry Trees Priest Lane Willingham CB24 5HZ
ProposalMalanois Dog rescue kennels operating from site without planning permission.


*** No Results ***

Compliance Cases Received and Closed


Open Compliance Cases by priority level

Priority A1
Priority B0
Priority C5

Open Compliance Cases by age


Public Enforcement Notices served

*** No Results ***

Data extracted at: 11/11/2024 07:03:44