Neighbourhood Alert – Safer Speeding Team Day of Action

Last month the Constabulary created a new team dedicated to cracking down on speeding drivers across the county’s cities, towns, villages and rural roads.

Officers from the Special Constabulary including myself, Special Inspector Stephen Mudie, Special Sergeant Tom Howard and a band of Special Constables form the southern ‘Neighbourhood Safer Speed Team’. They volunteer their time responding to concerns from residents around speeding and anti-social driving.

The team also support local Community Speedwatch groups with enforcement and education.
Today (2 September) the team concentrated their efforts in Great Shelford, Fulbourn, Balsham, Hardwick and Milton Road.

We issued six tickets for speeding, including one for travelling 59mph in a 40mph in Hardwick. We also issued two tickets for no seatbelts.

In addition, we gave words of advice to multiple drivers around speeding and spoke to riders about the laws around e-scooters.

A lorry driver was reported for dangerous driving after he was seen on the A14 holding paperwork with one hand and entering a destination on his sat nav with the other.

If speeding is an issue in your area, we’d like to know about it. Please report your concerns to us here.

Special Inspector Stephen Mudie