Looking for work/training or education – South Cambs District Council have shared the following information.

Realising your potential

The WEA provides support and learning for people who facebarriers in returning to education, job search or work. We have extensive experience working with people facing multiple barriers and from all walks of life. We would love to work with you, to help you realise your personal and professional goals.

If you are not currently working or engaged in education/training and feel like you have lost some of your confidence since the pandemic started then we can support you to:

  • Rebuild your confidence and help you to recognise your potential.
  • Plan your next career move.
  • Move into job search if you are thinking about returning to the workplace.
  • Develop your CV and prepare for interviews.
  • Apply for further education and training.

If you are aged 15+, not currently working and feel that you ready to take that next step in your career, then please contact the WEA to discuss:-

Contact details

Tanis Paulin

Telephone: 07385463335 tpaulin@wea.org.uk