From the District Council:
Thank you for recycling right
Most of us recycle right but there still some items that cause issues when taken to Materials Recycling Facility to be segregated for further recycling.
It costs Greater Cambridge Shared Waste Service £10,000 every month to remove and dispose incorrect items from recycling collected from blue bins.
When the wrong items are put in the recycling, this reduces its quality and, if there are a lot of incorrect items, can cause large quantities of materials to be rejected and not recycled. This means your Council Tax money is wasted, instead of being spent on improving local services.
These items do not belong in your blue recycling bin:
- nappies, wet wipes, sanitary towels – place in black bin
- tissues and kitchen roll – can be put in green bin for composting
- black bags – place in black bin
- clothes, textiles, shoes – donate, swap, place in a textile / shoe bank, Household Recycling Centre
- food and liquid remains – remove any food and rinse containers, and empty all liquids from bottles. Squash and replace caps before recycling.
More information on what can and can’t be recycled can be found in the south Cambs magazine or on the website at: