Silver Street, Willingham
ORDER 2018/663
NOTICE is given that Cambridgeshire County Council has made an Order pursuant to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Regulations 1992, the effect of which is to stop any vehicle from proceeding along Silver Street, Willingham as lies between its junction with Long Lane for a distance of approximately 50m in an easterly direction.
During the period this Order remains in force The County of Cambridgeshire
(Long Lane, Silver Street and Short Lane, Willingham) (One-Way Traffic) Order 1976, Roads and lengths of road in the Parish of Willingham in the District of South Cambridgeshire is hereby suspended insofar as it affects, Silver Street, Willingham from West to East.
Access will be maintained to properties affected by this order.
The alternative route for vehicles is via Rampton End – Rampton Road – Newington – Long Lane and vice versa.
The Order is made to facilitate electrical connection works which are being carried out on or near this highway and it will come into operation on 9 September 2018 and continue until these works have finished or on the 8 March 2020 whichever is the earlier.
It is anticipated that these works will be carried out between 9 September and 11 September 2018.
The Order shall not apply to any persons lawfully engaged in connection with any works for which it is made, any member of the Police Force, Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Service, a vehicle being used by Special Forces during the execution of their duties or to any person acting with the permission or upon the direction of a Police Officer in uniform.
Graham Hughes, Executive Director, Place and Economy, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, Cambridge CB3 0AP
Wednesday 22 August 2018