21 February 2022 – update from SCDC
With restrictions coming to an end in England, residents in Cambridgeshire are being encouraged to make the most of the spring and summer while continuing good hygiene practices which will help protect themselves and others from serious illness.
After a tremendously difficult two years there will be relief for many that life can return to normal, but local health chiefs are reminding residents that there are people with underlying conditions who are at risk of severe illness from COVID.
There are also still concerns that the protection offered by the vaccine could wane and dangerous new variants could appear, while the chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Adults and Health Committee has also expressed concern about the reduction in testing and is calling for continued vigilance by local people.
For these reasons, local health chiefs have outlined a list of simple and easy to follow measures to help keep everyone as safe as possible from catching the virus and potentially becomingly seriously ill.
The measures include:
- Avoid going to the workplace (work from home if possible) or meeting other people, if you have symptoms
- Please continue testing over the next month as case rates are high in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough especially if you are visiting vulnerable people or have symptoms
- Making sure indoor spaces are well ventilated (for example, by opening a window) and that there is an efficient flow of people in and out
- Letting people know they can use face coverings or screens if that is what they wish to do
- Regular hand washing and use of hand sanitiser which will help combat the spread of Covid as well as other infections
- Continuing regular cleaning of surfaces
- Getting two doses of a Covid vaccine, and the booster.
Jyoti Atri, director of public health at Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, said: “It has been a long and painful two years, so it is only right that after all the sacrifices made people make the most of the spring and summer months.
“At the moment, due to the vaccine, Covid is not causing the level of harm that we have seen with previous waves, although it is still a risk to vulnerable people and we need to be prepared if this situation changes due to immunity waning or a new and dangerous variant.”
Cllr Richard Howitt, chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Adults and Health Committee, said: “I remain concerned that the impact of reduced testing could jeopardise the progress made and make it more difficult to identify new variants. The scientific evidence to support these decision has not been published in advance.
“I hope local people will choose to continue to isolate where they have symptoms, use face masks and take-up all opportunities for vaccination. The county council is deeply grateful to all our staff, the volunteers and local residents who have helped us get to this stage and we ask for continued vigilance by all of us to continue.”
Further information on the Government announcement can be found here
Anyone yet to get both doses of a Covid vaccine, or their booster, can find out where they can jabbed at:
Details on how to obtain lateral flow tests can be found at:
A return to ‘Plan A’
As you will no doubt have heard, the Prime Minister announced on Wednesday 19th January that we would be moving from the ‘Plan B’ measures to prevent the spread of the Omicron variant, back to the ‘Plan A’ that was in place before the new variant emerged. This means changes both to guidance and to laws, some of which take immediate effect and some which will come into effect over the coming week(s) where law changes are needed
You can read more about these changes on the Government website
17th January 2022 – updates from South Cambs District Council
COVID community update 13 January 2022
Confirmatory PCR tests to be temporarily suspended for positive lateral flow test results
From 11 January in England, asymptomatic people who receive positive lateral flow test (LFT) results for COVID-19 are no longer required to take a confirmatory PCR test. They should report their LFT result online at and self-isolate immediately. This is because, whilst levels of COVID-19 remain so high, the vast majority of people who test positive on a lateral flow test can be confident that they do have COVID-19. People with COVID-19 symptoms should still take a PCR test in the first instance, rather than a LFT.
Please note, however, that there are exceptions to this revised approach and people who are eligible for the £500 Test and Trace Support Payment will still be asked to take a confirmatory PCR if they receive a positive LFT result, to enable them to access financial support.
Stay at home guidance for households with possible COVID-19 infection
The self-isolation advice for people with COVID-19 has changed. It is now possible to end self-isolation seven days after the date of their initial positive test if they receive two negative LFT tests, taken 24 hours apart, on days six and seven. The first LFT test should not be taken before the sixth day. See: COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.
Supply of Lateral Flow Tests
Demand for lateral flow tests is currently outstripping supply. The UK Health Security Agency has said that by the end of next week it is expected that there will be significantly increased numbers of test kits available by post and via pharmacies; the general public, including key workers, should obtain tests using these routes. A note with more details was sent to you on Friday but if you need this information to be re-sent, please just respond to this email.
COVID-19: guidance for people whose immune system means they are at higher risk
On 24 December, the UK Health Security Agency and Department of Health and Social Care updated the guidance for people aged 12 and over whose immune system means they are at higher risk of serious illness if they become infected with COVID-19. The guidance includes new information on keeping safe, eligibility for additional vaccine doses, and eligibility for new NHS COVID-19 treatments if they become infected.
Find help and support if you have long COVID
On 24 December, the Department of Health and Social Care also updated the guidance for those who have long COVID. The guidance has been updated with advice for those who have signs and symptoms of long COVID, those who have long COVID and are unable to work, those who have long COVID and need support to find, return to or stay in work, and for those who have a child with long COVID.
COVID community update on Lateral Flow Tests – 7 January 2022
As you will be aware, the Omicron variant of COVID-19 has meant there has been a huge surge in demand for Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) and demand is currently outstripping supply at times. Although this is expected to be a temporary problem, obtaining test kits is currently not as straight-forward as it has previously been, especially since the most convenient source – local pharmacies – have not had a regular supply of test kits since the rise in demand.
For most people this will simply mean some extra patience when ordering tests online. The national system refreshes the delivery slots available every 30 minutes, so if you visit the website and no tests are available, try again in 30 minutes.
For those who urgently need tests and are able to travel, an alternative is to visit one of the rapid testing centres from where kits can be collected. In South Cambridgeshire there is a regular pop-up session in Cambourne, but all the details about the locations of these sites can be found on Cambridgeshire County Council’s website.
Perhaps the biggest concern is for those people who rely on LFTs so they can attend regular medical appointments but find it difficult or impossible to do so online. In such circumstances, people can still ring 119 to place an order. We would suggest that during this time it would be wise to place the order in plenty of time before it is needed – especially if a medical appointment is coming up.
29th November 2021
Temporary Measures in place to respond to Omicron variant
The Government has issued new guidelines in response to the above including wearing face coverings in shops and on public transport. Please follow the link
Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread – GOV.UK (
1st November 2021
News story
Extra COVID-19 support deployed to parts of the East of England
Additional support will be deployed to 3 local authorities in the East of England in response to high rates of COVID-19 cases in the region.From:UK Health Security AgencyPublished31 October 2021Last updated31 October 2021 — See all updates

Following the latest review of coronavirus (COVID-19) data, additional support will be deployed from 1 November to Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, and Suffolk, in response to high rates of COVID-19 cases in the area.
The decision has been made in partnership with local authorities and is based on the latest data and local insights. Targeted additional support will be provided.
The package includes options for:
- targeted support to maximise vaccine and testing uptake
- extra testing in these targeted areas
- further help for local public health campaigns
- temporary extra measures in education settings
This additional support will be in place for 5 weeks from 1 November to allow for targeted local action. Pupils will return to school next week as planned.
Local residents are urged to remain cautious and follow the national guidance, including to get vaccinated, wear face coverings in crowded areas such as public transport, meet outdoors where possible, let fresh air into homes or other enclosed spaces.
Chief Executive of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Jenny Harries said:
Although we have returned to a more familiar way of life, it’s important we all continue to play our part in controlling the spread of the virus, especially as we move into winter.
Everybody, especially in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Suffolk, can take simple steps to protect themselves by getting vaccinated, wearing face coverings in crowded places, letting in fresh air when mixing indoors and washing their hands regularly.
Getting vaccinated is the best way we can protect ourselves from becoming unwell with COVID-19. I encourage everyone who is eligible to come forward for their jab as soon as possible – whether that’s a first, second or booster dose.
UKHSA data shows that the vaccination programme has substantially weakened the link between cases, hospitalisations and deaths. Vaccinated people are far less likely to get COVID-19 with symptoms and even more unlikely to get serious COVID-19, to be admitted to hospital, or to die from the virus
Covid-19 Community Update – 25th October 2021 – Update and information from South Cambs District Council
People with COVID-19 symptoms should isolate and get tested
A reminder that testing is available to any member of the public (over the age of five) with symptoms. Just visit or dial 119 to pre-book or order your PCR test.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s Clinical Commissioning Group: updates on vaccination
A reminder that all vaccination sites that people can attend, for first or second doses, are listed on the ‘Vaccinators on Tour’ website: This includes information about whether sites are by appointment only or “drop-in”. Everybody aged 16 and over can have their second dose from eight to 12 weeks after their first dose and vaccinations will not be given any earlier unless there is a clinical reason to do so.
Third doses of COVID-19 vaccine
A third primary dose (not to be confused with ‘booster doses’) is being offered to people aged 12 and over who were severely immunosuppressed at the time of their first or second dose, including those with leukaemia, advanced HIV and recent organ transplants. These people may not mount a full response to vaccination and therefore may be less protected than the wider population. The specialists involved in their care should advise on whether the patient fulfils the eligibility criteria and on the timing of any third primary dose. Eligible patients will be contacted and be offered a vaccination.
Booster doses
Booster doses are available to people in priority cohorts 1-9, at least six months after their second dose. The NHS is contacting patients when it’s their turn and people can use the national booking system to make an appointment.
COVID-19 booster vaccine and flu vaccine
Most people who can get a COVID-19 booster vaccine are also eligible for the annual flu vaccine. If you are offered both vaccines, it’s safe to have them at the same time.
Covid-19 community update – 16th July 2021 – Update and information from South Cambs District Council
Government’s timetable for summer and autumn
Below you can see the Government’s timetable for the next couple of months:
- On 19th July, most legal restrictions will end, removing social distancing and social contact restrictions and enabling remaining businesses to reopen – read what you can and cannot do
- By the end of July, the government will publish an updated Covid-19 outbreak management framework for local areas
- On 16th August, the rules on self-isolating will change for people who are fully vaccinated and for the under 18s
- In September, the government will undertake a review to assess the country’s preparedness for the autumn and winter; they will consider whether to continue the post-19th July rules or strengthen the public and business guidance.
Government guidance for Step 4
The Government is promoting the following guidance while the prevalence of the virus remains high:
- whilst the government is no longer instructing people to work from home if they can, the Government is expecting and recommending a gradual return over the summer
- the Government expects and recommends that people wear face coverings in crowded areas such as public transport
- they are encouraging people to spend time outside or to let in fresh air
- they are recommending that people minimise the number, proximity and duration of social contacts
- they are encouraging and supporting businesses and large events to use the NHS COVID Pass in high-risk settings
You may wish to share the Government’s video which outlines this, on Facebook or Twitter.
Local Public Health recommendations for Step 4
- Meeting people outdoors or in well-ventilated places
- Keeping a polite distance from others
- Wearing a face mask in crowded places
- Washing your hands thoroughly and often.
Covid-19 community update – 5th July 2021 – Update and information from South Cambs District Council
All adults are eligible for the vaccine
Anyone who is 18 or over is now invited to book their Covid-19 vaccination appointment, and people who are 40 or over are invited to bring forward their second dose appointments (from 12 weeks after their first, to eight weeks after their first). The easiest way to book or manage your appointments is via the NHS website.
There are also a number of walk-in clinics set to take place across the county over the coming weeks. The best place to check the latest information about where these walk-in clinics will be is on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group’s website, where you can also sort the options depending on which dose/vaccine is needed.
Below is an NHS letter, which individuals can present to NHS practitioners to ensure they will be able to have the vaccine if they do not have an NHS number, address or GP registration; information is available in English, Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Russian. Please feel free to pass this letter on to anyone in your community who may need this to ensure they can access the vaccine.
Regular twice weekly testing
We all need to remember that the best way to keep ourselves and our loved ones protected is by checking you’re not one of the 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 who doesn’t have symptoms. Visit the County Council’s website for information on twice weekly Lateral Flow Testing:
- Picking up a test from a local collection site
- Ordering tests to be delivered to your home
- Locations and opening hours for rapid testing sites in Cambridgeshire
Covid-19 community update – 17 June 2021
Update and information from South Cambs District Council
I’m sure that, like me, you are disappointed about the delay to the relaxation of rules until 19 July (more below), but with the increase of the Delta variant, we need to keep up our guard against the spread of the virus. It may have felt over the last month or two that regularly taking Lateral Flow Tests wasn’t an urgent priority, but with cases on the rise again right across the country, the best way for everyone to protect family, friends, colleagues and other members of the community is to regularly (twice a week) take a Lateral Flow Test. Every asymptomatic positive case picked up by the Lateral Flow Tests means another person with Covid-19 who doesn’t spread the virus to others. You can order tests online to be delivered to your home – so it is easy to organise.
End of lockdown delayed to 19 July
The Prime Minister confirmed earlier this week that lockdown restrictions, with some exceptions, will be extended by four weeks, to 19 July. The 30-guest cap for weddings will be lifted, with the maximum number of attendees to be based on the venue capacity (allowing for social distancing). The Prime Minister said it was “time to ease off the accelerator” in order “to save many thousands of lives”. He described 19 July as a “terminus date”.
Vaccination update
The Prime Minister provided an update on the vaccination programme and confirmed that vaccination greatly reduces transmission with two doses providing a high degree of protection against serious illness and death. The Government’s target of offering vaccines to all adults by the end of July has been brought forward to the new 19 July date.
- As of this week, anyone over the age of 21 can book a vaccination appointment – with this to be widened to over 18s from tomorrow (Friday 18 June)
- Those people above the age of 40 who used the national booking system can reduce the period between their first and second jabs from 12 weeks to 8 weeks. They should first cancel the 12 week appointment, after which they will see the available 8 week appointments to make a new booking.
Translations of easy-read Covid-19 vaccination leaflets
Public Health England (PHE) has published translated versions of easy-read leaflets on the Covid-19 vaccinations. The leaflets, which include information on what to expect after your vaccine and information for women who are pregnant or are breastfeeding their baby, are now available in 21 languages including English, Arabic, Urdu and Polish. COVID-19 vaccination: easy-read leaflets.
Safe and Well visits
Colleagues supporting the South Cambs Community Safety Partnership are promoting the opportunity for vulnerable residents to have free Safe and Well visits. You can find out more in a recent update from the Fire Service. The Safe and Well team visit residents’ homes to assess six key elements:
- Fire safety in the home – including cooking, general safety and escape plans.
- Falls prevention – including simple remedial action such as replacing lightbulbs or taping down loose carpet.
- Alcohol use – alcohol related hospital admissions are steadily increasing.
- Stay well and warm – can residents afford to heat their home? Do they have access to a hot meal? Do they access the all the services available to them?
- Crime reduction – providing advice on making their home more secure in addition to advice to make them less vulnerable to scams or fraud.
- Smoking – if people need a helping hand to quit, our Safe and Well partners can offer the help and advice people need.
- Hoarding – if people need advice in relation to the health and safety of individuals with hoarding concerns.
Find out if someone is eligible for a free Safe and Well visit by completing a short questionnaire or contact the automated message line on 0800 917 9994 and leave a message including the person’s name, address and daytime phone number to receive a call back.
What do adults with learning disabilities need?
Cambridgeshire County Council has launched a survey to find out what adults with a learning disability in Cambridgeshire think is important to help them to live happier, healthier lives. This will help the County Council to know what to focus on when planning services and supporting people with a learning disability in the future. Have your say before 30 June 2021. Or if you’d like to share this information in your community, please feel free to share these Facebook or Twitter posts.
We will send a further community update when there is useful information to share. Thank you again for all your support.
For the latest Government advice, see the website.
South Cambridgeshire District Council – Covid grant updates: April 2021
As Government Coronavirus restrictions ease there is still time for businesses in South Cambridgeshire to apply for Government grants to support their recovery.
Restart Grants
Restart Grants
South Cambridgeshire businesses affected by the post-Christmas national lockdown can now apply online for the Government’s Restart Grants.
The Restart Grants funding scheme was announced by Government on Wednesday 3 March 2021 and is designed to support businesses (including non-essential retail, leisure, personal care, sports facilities and hospitality businesses) that are predominantly reliant on delivering in-person services for the general public.
The Restart grant replaces the Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG), which has been paid to eligible businesses up to 31 March. The funding scheme has two strands:
Non-essential retail
- Qualifying businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or less, will receive a one-off grant of £2,667.
- Qualifying businesses with a rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000, will receive a one-off grant of £4,000.
- Qualifying businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 or above, will receive a one- off grant of £6,000.
Hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal car and gym business premises
- Qualifying business premises with a rateable value of £15,000 or less, will receive a one-off grant of £8,000.
- Qualifying business premises with a rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000, will receive a one-off grant of £12,000.
- Qualifying business premises with a rateable value of £51,000 or above, will receive a one-off grant of £18,000.
The deadline for making an application for a Restart grant is 30 June, 2021.
Remember, to qualify for a Restart grant, a business must:
- be registered for business rates;
- be trading on 1 April 2021 (carrying on a trade or profession, or buying and selling goods or services in order to generate turnover); and
- not be in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking-off notice.
Businesses that have already received grant payments that equal the maximum permitted subsidy allowances will not be eligible to receive funding. Further details and updates for the application process can be found on our website.
Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG)
If your business is a rate paying business within hospitality – pubs, restaurants, non- essential retail, sports, entertainment and recreational venues, personal care facilities, and accommodation sectors, you may be eligible for the Local Restrictions Support Grant. This final payment is to support businesses that were required by law to close during the lockdown period from 16 February 2021 until 31 March 2021. The deadline for applications is the 31 May 2021.
The following payments apply to eligible businesses:
- Qualifying business premises with a rateable value of £15,000 or less, will receive a payment of £2,096 for the 44-day period
- Qualifying business premises with a rateable value of over £15,000 and less than £51,000, will receive a payment of £3,143 for the 44-day period
- Qualifying business premises with a rateable value of £51,000 or over, will receive a payment of £4,714 for the 44-day period
Local Restrictions Discretionary Hardship Scheme (LRDHS)
The Local Restrictions Discretionary Hardship scheme remains open to South Cambridgeshire based businesses that have been severely impacted due to Coronavirus restrictions. These could be non-rate paying businesses and/or businesses not required to close by law but nonetheless severely impacted due to November onwards restrictions. Applicants must demonstrate severe financial impact on the application form. Further details and the application form can be found on our website.
Contact the Business Support team
As we continue working to get much needed financial help out to businesses we will provide separate updates on Covid grants schemes. The general business support newsletter will be sent out separately later in the week. If you have general queries in relation to grants please email:, where a dedicated team is on hand to help you.
The Business Support and Development team is here to help guide you to the right resources you need. This service is completely free of charge, so whether you need guidance on who to speak to at the Council, or business advice from finding premises to understanding what help and support is available, we continue to welcome your enquiries at: with Microsoft Sway
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Government Roadmap out of Lockdown from March 2021
SCDC Advice update on Covid precautions
As the Government’s cautious road-map out of lockdown continues, people’s health, safety and wellbeing remain of paramount importance. While infection and death rates are decreasing, transmission of Coronavirus is still an extremely serious threat and we all have a role to play in doing our utmost to stop its spread.
This can best be done by continuing to take precautions against catching or transmitting the virus and closely following the Government’s rules for each step of its COVID-19 Response Spring 2021 roadmap out of the current lockdown for England.
This means continuing to abide by the guidelines for social distancing by:
- Washing your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds;
- Covering your face in enclosed spaces (especially where social distancing may be difficult and where you come into contact with people you do not normally meet);
- Staying two metres apart where possible, or one metre with extra precautions in place.
- It is also essential to stick to the rules around travel and holidaying.
Our Council team continues to provide essential services and support to the residents most in need in our district. They are working in conjunction with many dedicated volunteers who have played a crucial role in helping this work and we are immensely grateful to them.
Residents who need to carry on self-isolating during this time can rest assured that all the support previously available will continue, including financial help.
Our Reopening the High Street team is supporting local small to medium businesses as they reopen and work towards recovery. This includes helping them to carry out comprehensive COVID-19 risk assessments to keep customers and their workers safe; providing signage and aiding the implementation of the two-metre rule in the workplace; and advising on cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with current guidance.
As more Government financial packages are announced for the business sector, our Business Support Team is also there to support the recovery and help struggling firms to access much-needed Government grants to address some of the financial impact of the lockdown and to fund recovery activities. We are also offering support and grant aid to local communities to get voluntary projects and services back on track after months of lockdown.
Everyone across the district is working extremely hard to put plans into place for when affected services are able to gradually and safely welcome everyone back. Until then, please continue follow the guidelines to help protect the NHS and our families, friends and colleagues. By keeping infection rates low, we will all be able to get back to doing the things we love sooner.
To access advice and support see
For more information on the Government guidelines in the COVID-19 Response Spring 2021 roadmap, see
Useful links:
Government Coronavirus restrictions:
South Cambridgeshire District Council Coronavirus information:
Information on financial support to self-isolate:
South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Reopening High Streets Safely Team:
Support for local businesses:
5th January 2021 – England is in LOCKDOWN. From the 5th January 2021 England will be placed in a further lockdown. Please see the link below for a full list of guidance and rules that apply during this period.
National lockdown: Stay at Home – GOV.UK (
December 26th 2020 – Cambridgeshire moves into tier 4 restrictions – please see below
Willingham Love Hub – the Parish Council receives regular updates from the Willingham Love Hub team. The community-led Hub provides vital support to vulnerable residents and those isolating and unable to get out for essential groceries and medication etc. Information and contact numbers have been provided to all households via the village magazine, Willingham Life. If you can’t find the contact numbers and need assistance, call the parish office in the first instance and we will put you in touch with a local Hub coordinator. 01954 261027
UPDATE ON COUNCIL FACILITIES (updated 17th September 2020)
Pavilion – Is open with restricted access to regular users, in line with the latest Government guidance
Ploughman Hall – Is open to regular users in line with the latest Government guidance.
Neither facility is currently accepting one off bookings.
Parish office – Staff are manning the office during normal office hours but members of the public will be required to remain at the inner entrance hatch and will not be given access to the office. All visitors to the office will be asked to provide contact information for track and trace purposes.
Parish Meetings – continue to be held remotely in line with Government guidance
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do
Updated 31 May 2020
Parish Office – The Parish office is currently closed to members of the public although and is operating under reduced manpower and reduced hours. Please contact the Council via email or by phone 01954 261027
Willingham HUB – the Parish Council is working closely with the Willingham HUB team who are very busy trying to get the HUB up and running. You should all receive flyers through your doors over the coming days providing information on how to get help if you are isolated and vulnerable. If you have any concerns or require further information, please contact the office on the above number.
Meetings (Updated 15th April 2020) – The Government have amended legislation to allow Councils to hold meetings remotely. Where possible Willingham Parish Council will hold remote meetings. Members of the public wishing to attend should contact the Clerk for log on details. Those wishing to speak during the public forum are asked to make their request known to the Clerk ahead of the meeting.
QEII Field – The QE II Field is now open. Please follow the guidelines posted at the entrance when using the play areas.
Ploughman hall, Pavilion and Public hall – The Ploughman hall, Pavilion and Public hall are closed until further notice (Updated 17.07.2020)
South Cambs District Council Support for small businesses
Posted 1st April 2020
As part of the Council’s Covid-19 response, we are trying to urgently support businesses in the district who are struggling during this difficult period. We don’t have a single database for all businesses in the district, as not all businesses are registered for business rates. To help us get a list together as quickly as possible, could you help by sharing with us any mailing lists or databases you have on this including:
- Sole traders
- Home based businesses
- Community enterprises and charities including CICs
We want to ensure that we can put in place, as quickly as possible, appropriate support to help businesses through the next few months, and fill the gaps around the central government support offer where we can. We will be proactively contacting businesses to find out what they need, so any help you can give in providing details for our emerging database would be very helpful.
Please could you send any lists to our colleagues at the Greater Cambridge Partnership who are helping us with this work via
Please also use whatever communications channels you have (social media, websites etc) to spread the word about this appeal, and encourage any businesses of these types to flag themselves to us by emailing
Additionally, information for businesses is being updated frequently on the Coronavirus section of our website at
Parish & Town Council and Resident Association Updates
Council provides essential supplies for most vulnerable shielding from Coronavirus
Parcels of food and emergency supplies for the most vulnerable in our communities who are shielding from the Coronavirus are being delivered to residents across the county from this week.
The Government has promised that a national food distribution scheme will be up and running very soon, to support 1.5million people nationally who need to be shielded from the virus for at least 12 weeks because of serious health and medical conditions.
Every one of those people is being contacted by the NHS to advise them of this, and to ask whether or not they have a reliable support network in place to make sure they receive food and medicines, and other supplies, to prevent them from having to leave their homes.
Those who don’t have such a network will be provided with food and medicines via a national scheme which is being developed with food wholesalers, supermarkets and community pharmacies.
In the period up until this national scheme is fully operational, Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council have been working with the British Red Cross to ensure that those residents who need food, medicine and emergency supplies are looked after.
During the weekend council staff telephoned residents who they knew were shielding to see if they needed help and then arranged deliveries of items to those that did.
Yesterday (Monday) a team of council staff and British Red Cross volunteers packed tens of boxes with emergency supplies which have been delivered by the Government, which will be delivered to residents who are shielding at home in the coming days and weeks.
The council and British Red Cross have also been supported by a planner from the military and staff from Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service.
A warehouse facility has been secured in the centre of the county, from which distribution of the parcels will take place via the local hubs network.
Residents are asked to note that they will NOT be asked for payment or bank card details, either at the door or by any other contact.
If you are at home and shielding because of serious health or medical conditions and we have not been in touch, please visit our Coordination Hub page or call us on 0345 045 5219
Please visit our Cambridgeshire or Peterborough websites for further contacts details.
Shielded Patients List
NHS Digital has published the shielded patients list (SPL) which is enabling partner organisations across government to support and protect those who need shielding at this time.
People who have not yet received a text or letter from NHS, can self-register (or register a family member) if they are extremely vulnerable and think they should be on the NHS Shielded Patient list
People who believe they have been included in error on the list can ignore the communication provided they have checked the list of identified conditions does not apply to them, and may wish to contact their GP or clinical specialist for advice
Changes to bus services in Cambridgeshire
Changes to Call Connect Service – AllConnect is a bus service for rural communities which can be requested by pre-booking only. The times the buses operate will be unaffected. However, the call centre that users phone to request a service will be reducing its opening hours by one hour at the end of each day. These temporary changes will help the service ensure it has sufficient staffing levels. The revised opening hours will be: Mon-Fri – CallConnect emergencies and cancellations: 8am-6pm, Drivers: 6.30am-6pm, Main booking service: 8.30am-5.30pm (Welland and North Lincs 8am-5pm). Saturday – CallConnect emergencies and cancellations: 8am-5pm, Drivers: 7.30am-5pm, Main booking service: 9am-4.30pm (Welland and North Lincs 8.30am-4pm)
Stagecoach – Stagecoach Changes will be made to the following services provided by Stagecoach. For full service changes visit the Stagecoach website: Guided Busway – postponing launch of busway service until further notice and service changes. Cambridge Park & Ride, Cambridge Service, 99 Service, X5 Service, Bedford Service, Peterborough Service, Cambridge City Sightseeing Tour and Fenstanton Service
Beware of COVID-19 scams
24th March 2020
Unscrupulous criminals are exploiting fears about COVID-19 to prey on members of the public, particularly older and vulnerable people who are isolated from family and friends. National Trading Standards is warning people to remain vigilant following a rise in coronavirus-related scams that seek to benefit from the public’s concern and uncertainty over COVID-19.
Visit the National Trading Standards COVID-19 Scams page for details on how to protect yourself and others:
Recycling points closed (posted 27th March 2020)
Due to the impacts of the virus and restrictions on movement, many of the operators who empty clothing and other recycling banks at our recycling points are unable to collect from them. To avoid them overflowing and making a mess, and the items being wasted, please can you help us to discourage residents from taking their items to the banks at this time. Some of you have already shared our social media posts relating to service updates, which is really helpful. You can find them all at:
South Cambridgeshire District Council:
Twitter: @SouthCambs
Greater Cambridge Shared Waste Service:
Twitter: @GtrCamRecycles