Over Road Closure – Access for residents

We have been advised by County Council Highways of the following:

If you are resident living in the area of works on Over Road (between the traffic lights and Haden Way) access to your properties will be maintained from the Over Road end. No access will be permitted from the traffic light end (junction with the High Street). If you have any issues you can contact the contractors on 01787 237509

Silver Street – Footpath works/Road Closure

Closure: Between 1 June 2023 and 1 December 2023
Street: Silver Street

Diversion: Long Lane – Newington – Rampton Road –
Rampton End

ORDER 2023/626
NOTICE is given that Cambridgeshire County Council has made an Order pursuant
to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary
Restrictions) Act 1991, the effect of which is to stop any vehicle from proceeding
along various roads as set out in Schedule 1 below.
Nothing in this Order shall prevent access and egress from premises or land
adjacent to the highway mentioned in Schedule 1.
The Order is necessary for safety reasons to facilitate footway repair and associated
The proposed Order will come into operation on 1 June 2023 and will continue until
these works have finished or on the 30 November 2024 whichever is the earlier.
It is anticipated that this order will apply to the locations, at various times during the
dates specified in the Schedule.
The Order shall not apply to any persons lawfully engaged in connection with any
works for which it is made, any member of the Police Force, Fire and Rescue
Service, Ambulance Service, a vehicle being used by Special Forces during the
execution of their duties or to any person acting with the permission or upon the
direction of a Police Officer in uniform.
Frank Jordan, Executive Director, Place and Sustainability, New Shire Hall,
Emery Crescent, Enterprise Campus, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, PE28 4YE
Wednesday 24 May 2023

Station Road Willingham Roadworks – School Buses (6th – 10th February)

We have been advised that school buses have informed pupils that the buses using Station Road as a route for collection will not be running next week while the road is closed. This is not the case. Highways have confirmed that ALL SCHOOL BUSES WILL BE ALLOWED THROUGH AS REQUIRED DURING THE ROADWORKS. Drivers simply need to stop and request access. There may be a slight delay to times as the buses will need to travel at 5mph through the worksite. Schools have been informed of this.

Residents – Hedges next to the highway/footpaths

We have been asked by Highways to remind residents with hedges adjoining the footpaths to please cut them back before nesting season begins in March. When cutting them back please remember to allow for new growth over the summer to prevent the footpaths being obstructed over the summer.

If you are cutting during the nesting season (March to end of August) please check for nests and only use hand tools.

Thank you for your assistance.

Road Closure – High Street Earith

Road closure – High Street Earith

Dates: 10th January – 13th January 2023 – all day full closure for works by Cambridge Water

Emergency Access maintained. Detour in place, closed at the bridge to Colne Road

Permit ID: CKOOID23440510CL

Cambridge Water contact – 0345 045 5212

For more information go to https://one.network/ and use the Live Map to locate High Street Earith and click on the information links.