Household Waste Recyling Centres

In light of the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, all recycling centres across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will be closed from today (Tuesday) until further notice. The decision to close sites has not been taken lightly but it is essential to encourage residents to stay at home and limit the spread of Coronavirus. 

If you were planning to visit a recycling centre, please hold on to the items you were planning to take until they are reopened.

During this time, we ask residents to act responsibly and not place items such as DIY waste, garden waste, or recycling into their kerbside general rubbish collection. This will take up space in the collection vehicles needed for general household rubbish. Try to limit your food waste by home composting and using your freezer. If you have food waste it can be disposed of in your general waste bin or in Peterborough, people should put food waste in their food waste caddys as normal.

For more information please visit our websites: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough  

Histon Road – Bus, Cycling and Walking Improvements Project

Please see below from the Greater Cambridge Partnership

Histon Road – Bus, Cycling and Walking Improvements Project

We would like to let you know that the Greater Cambridge Partnership will be starting work on Histon Road from 27 January 2020. The first part of the road affected by the construction works will be the junction with Victoria Road and Huntingdon Road as well as site clearance, where required, along the rest of Histon Road. 

Please see the attached letter for further details and the current planned programme of work. This letter is also being posted to local residents and businesses.

Cambrigeshire County Council – Climate Change and Environment Strategy – online survey

Climate Change and Environment Strategy – communities invited to have their say by filling out our online survey

Following its declaration of a Climate and Environment Emergency in May 2019, Cambridgeshire County Council is developing a Climate Change and Environment Strategy and Action Plan and needs your help.

The strategy outlines how the council will:

  • reduce the carbon footprint of the council and the county
  • help communities adapt to the change already happening
  • enhance nature and the benefits it provides.

As part of the strategy development, the council is keen to understand what the wider community thinks of the targets and actions it plans to set itself and its suppliers, and how it can work to help community action to accelerate this.

The consultation began on the 20 December 2019 and you have until the end of the month to take part (31 January 2020). online survey link.