Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement

Public Notice

Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are working together to create a joint Statement of Community Involvement and are inviting comments, via public consultation.

The consultation documents can be viewed:

  • on the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service website:
  • by appointment at Cambridge City Council’s Customer Service Centre: Mandela House, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1BY (phone 01223 457000);
  • by appointment at South Cambridgeshire District Council Reception: South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA (phone 01954 713000);
  • at Cambridge Central Library (7 Lion Yard Cambridge CB2 3QD) during normal opening hours.

Hard copies may be obtained at a charge by contacting the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service using the contact details below. If you need assistance to view the documents, or wish to discuss the consultation, please contact us using the details below.

The Councils are also holding in-person events during the consultation period, where planning officers will be available to answer questions.

How to make comments

You are encouraged to comment online – full details are available on our website at

If you have difficulty commenting online, please contact the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Policy Team on 01954 713694 or email us at

Alternatively, you can make comments in writing using response forms available on the Councils’ websites or on request. Completed response forms should be emailed to or posted to: Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service,Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge, CB1 0JH

Comments can be made on these documents between 9am on Wednesday 18 October and 5pm on Wednesday 27 November 2023.

All comments received during the consultation period will be published. Please refer to our privacy notice for further details, which can be found on our website.