Photography Competition 2023 – New Life in the Old West

Calling photographers – Enter our competition today!

We love the Old West River and the wonderful countryside and villages along its banks. We want as many people as possible to experience its beauty and the amazing wildlife that call this area their home.

A great way to appreciate the natural beauty around is to take photographs. We have launched a photography competition to encourage you to share your experiences with wildlife and out and about in the Cambridgeshire fens with us.
To enter is simple. Visit the New Life on the Old West project area, take photographs of our local fauna and flora, then share the best ones with us. Thanks to the RSPB, there are small prizes for the best in each category (under 18s and over 18s) and you may just spot your photograph online or in
print. The winner of each category will win RSPB gift membership (for 1 or 2 adults, or family membership).
Our competition is open to everyone – just make sure that the images are taken within the NLOW geographical area, which includes RSPB Ouse Fen and National Trust Wicken Fen.

The closing date is 31st August 2023 so you have lots of time over the spring and summer to get snapping. Remember to follow the Countryside Code whilst you are out and about and only take photographs and happy
memories away with you. Full terms and conditions and further entry instructions about how to name your image files are
here. Please note all of the submission instructions and if you’re under 18, ensure you have your parent’s permission to enter.
We are really excited to see what you produce and thank you for taking part!