School uniform help available for families

School uniform helpFamilies struggling to buy school uniform and shoes for children are being made aware of a special scheme which is providing vital help.  The School Uniform Wardrobe project, run by Cambridgeshire County Council’s Think Communities team, is holding a series of uniform donation events over the coming weeks in Whittlesey and Wisbech.  People can donate school uniform and shoes that they no longer need which will be used by families struggling financially due to the cost of living crisis. Anyone in need of school uniform can attend the events or contact the team and they will aim to find suitable attire for you.  The scheme has already received backing from Tesco Extra, with the supermarket giants donating new items of uniform. At a recent donation event, shoppers were encouraged to buy an item of clothing to donate while doing their regular shopping.  The next donation bank events will be at Tesco Extra in Wisbech tomorrow (Friday 26 August) from 10am – 3pm and at Whittlesey Library on Tuesday 30 August from 10am – 1pm.  Councillor Tom Sanderson, Chair of the council’s Communities, Social Mobility and Inclusion, said: “We know that many people are struggling with the cost of living crisis and this time of year is also very expensive for families with new school uniform and other items needed as their children go back to school. We’re hoping that communities will get behind this truly worthwhile scheme to ease the pressure on those who are struggling.  “Although the scheme is primarily aimed at those struggling financially, it will also help reduce the amount of clothing going to landfill waste. If people can help either by donating good quality second hand uniform they no longer need, or by buying items while shopping, then that will really help.”  The scheme’s current round of support is focused in both Wisbech and Whittlesey, with similar support offered in March and Chatteris during October half-term.  Click here for more information about the scheme, how to make donations or if you are need of school uniform