As you many of you will be aware over the past few weeks Willingham has experienced issues with flooding and sewage in parts of the village and the Parish Council would like to provide a brief update for residents.
The Parish Council has been liaising with County and District Council with regards to gullies and ditch clearance and has been advised that those in need of clearing will be done as soon as possible.
We have also been in contact with Anglian Water on a number of occasions, including directly with their CEO to try and get to the bottom of the sewage leakage problem.
Following the sewage leak in Church Street and Green Street at the end of January we had been advised by Anglian Water that the problem had been resolved. Sadly, this would appear not to be the case and further sewage issues have come to light in other locations within the village. The Council have again contacted Anglian Water to ask for a full explanation of what is happening and how they intend to solve it. We have also asked for confirmation as to the capacity of the current sewer system and what plans Anglian Water have for future maintenance and upgrade.
The District Council Environmental Health team at SCDC and have also been contacted and are liaising with Anglian Water to try and resolve the issues as quickly as possible.
The Council has also written to our MP, Lucy Frazer so that she is aware of the issues being faced by the village.
The Parish Council will continue to press Anglian Water and any other appropriate agencies so that watercourses, drains and gullies are maintained as they should be and would encourage all residents experiencing problems with their foul water to contact Anglian Water directly as well.