Notification C186 Rampton Road, Willingham Road Closures

Details of upcoming road closures and works for Gripfibre Micro Asphalt Surface Treatment.

Road Closures:  C186 Rampton Rd, Willingham (inc High Street, Rampton) between Willingham & Rampton

I am writing to advise you of two Road Closures that will be happening very shortly, in order to facilitate essential carriageway maintenance.

Thursday 11th June 2020 for One day ¬– Carriageway patching works in preparation for Surface Treatment.

Tuesday 16th June 2020 for Four days – Gripfibre Micro Asphalt Surface Treatment.

Whilst the work is in progress, during operational hours, the road will be closed from 9.30am to 3.30pm (2.30pm during school term), and vehicular access will be restricted. A signed diversion route will be in place for through traffic.

In order for the contractor to complete the work with minimum disruption, it is essential that no vehicles are parked on the road. If you have particular access requirements, please speak to a member of the crew onsite who will be able to assist.

Access to properties within the closure area will be possible, but are subject to working conditions, and delays are to be expected. Crews will be working in accordance with Covid 19 guidelines.

These works are weather dependent, and changes are possible at short notice. Please look out for the advanced notices on site, as these will give the most up to date information; or contact our call centre or email as above.

If you have any queries regarding the works please use the above contact details or visit the CCC website for more information on Surface Treatments –

There will obviously be some noise and disruption associated with the work, and I apologise for any inconvenience that you may suffer. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.