Cambridgeshire Police Neighbourhood Weekly Update

Good afternoon subscribers

Please find below the South Cambridgeshire weekly updates, providing information on local crime trends, antisocial behaviour, success stories and upcoming events.

We have recently been carrying out community patrols making everyone is abiding by the new rules set in place to reduce the spread of coronavirus. If you believe people aren’t adhering to the stay at home instruction then please report via If you would like see what we are up to then please follow us on Policing South Cambridgeshire on Facebook.

Crime trends

Recently there has been an increase in criminal damage being caused to vehicles a place that has been targeted in particular is Caldecote with vehicles being scratched and wing mirrors being broken. We have increased our patrols in relation to this. If you suspect something please report it.

I would like to make you aware of a scam
An email or text message that sates it’s from HMRC.GOV.UK
The government has taken urgent action to list coronavirus as a notifiable disease in law as a result of this they are issuing a new tax refund programme. You are eligible for a refund of……. 
Access your fund now.

Emails, text messages, instant messages such as the one below are a scam. Do not click on blue or any colour links within electronic messages unless you have verified who the sender is.
If in doubt, don’t click.
Links are just a shortcut to a website.
Instead, you could consider logging into your account the message refers to, using your tried, tested and trusted way.
So, if the message appears to be from HMRC and you do actually have a HMRC account, then come out of your email account and visit and login that way rather than clicking on a link.
If you don’t have a HMRC account then be very suspicious and ignore it.

Visit Action Fraud the national reporting centre for fraud and computer crime