Our Parish Clock
Our Parish Clock has not worked since October 2018. The Parish Council was able to identify only one clock company – Smiths of Derby – prepared to advise on and complete the work required to get the clock working again. Smiths advise that the clock’s equipment requires a major overhaul. It also suggests restoration work on the dial is carried out at the same time. The Parish Council understands that this complex level of maintenance and renovation has not been carried out since the clock was provided in 1887 at a cost of £125.00. It will be discussing these proposals and the budgetary implications during January.
Parking at road junctions
Vehicles parked on streets should not cause a danger or unnecessarily obstruct the road. Parking is not allowed within ten metres of a junction or anywhere where the kerb is lowered. This helps users of powered mobility vehicles, wheelchair and pram users. The Parish Council receives residents’ comments about dangerous or unnecessary car parking close to the junctions of Saxon Way, Covent Garden and Bourneys Manor Close with the High Street. It has been suggested that yellow lining is placed around these junctions to restrict this parking. The Parish Council has investigated this. It has been advised that parking restrictions could be introduced but the police would not undertake routine enforcement. Neighbouring parishes report that recently introduced parking restrictions, without enforcement, are often ignored. The police are encouraging villages to approach the County and District Councils to seek de-criminalisation of these parking offences. Parking offences could then be managed as a civil offence and enforced by traffic wardens. The Parish Council will be discussing how it should respond to this situation in the village. Vehicle users can also play a part by parking with a greater consideration of the needs of other residents and vehicle users.
Black Pit Drove: an update
Shortly before the Christmas holiday the South Cambridgeshire Principal Planning Enforcement Officer and a legal representative attended the High Court to seek resolution of this issue. In the absence of traveller representatives, the Judge declined to reach a final decision. It is anticipated that a further hearing will be held during January with a final judgement made at that time.
Reporting concerns
Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) and South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) are responsible for the following areas of our village life. Contact SCDC to report Abandoned vehicles, Air Pollution, Dog Fouling, Fly tipping, Fly posting, Graffiti, Litter, Street Cleaning and Asbestos. Use this online address: https://www.scambs.gov.uk/services/environment
Contact CCC to report Potholes, Road/pavement surface, Flooding, Signs and street furniture, Street lights, Rights of Way, Hedges/trees and weeds (along the highway), Road works, Spillages/debris on the road, Traffic lights. Use this online address: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/travel-roads-and-parking/roads-and-pathways/roadworks-and-faults/
The police can be contacted with respect to their non-urgent responsibilities by either telephoning 101 or using this online address: https://www.cambs.police.uk/report/
Hedge cutting
We have been asked by Cambridgeshire County Council to remind residents to try to complete any hedge cutting or tree trimming by the end of February – certainly before birds start their nesting activity!