From the Parish Council
Anti-social behaviour
September’s meeting saw the largest number of parishioners attending for many years. Over 50 villagers came to make representation regarding the recent increase in anti-social behaviour, vandalism and disruption in the village and the apparent lack of police response. The meeting was also attended by PCSO Tony Martin, to respond and to take back the views of those there, including one who spoke eloquently on behalf of the many. After the public part of the meeting, many left and had separate discussions with the PCSO.
The Parish Council has been making strong representations with the Police to try and bring about a positive solution. We have met with local officers who agreed where time and commitments allowed additional patrols would be carried out within the village and we have seen some evidence of this in the past week or two.
The parish council is determined to bring offenders to justice and has held a more formal meeting with the police and arranged for a public meeting to take place. This should have happened beforef this publication.
This was an opportunity for you to raise your concerns directly with the police and hear what they are planning to do for you We would encourage residents to continue to report all incidents to the police so that they continue to have a clear picture of what is going on and where.
Traffic in Willingham
Following a meeting with Mick George, he agreed to pay for Community Road Watch (CRW) to conduct surveys on traffic through the village. Also, he will supply 2 interactive signs indicating actual speed for the village, and will monitor his vehicles to try to divert those that can use other routes.
The traffic logger was located by CRW on Earith Road midway between the southbound Vehicle Activated Signs. The logger shows typically nearly 5000 vehicles per week day in each direction, with a morning peak at 7.30am and evening at 5.30pm, both with over 900 vehicles per hour. Speeds were around 30mph at the peaks, but averaged 35mph from Earith and 38 Mph to Earith, with a peak speed reached at this point of 93mph! More information can be found at –
Traffic monitoring by CRW collating HCV use was carried out in 2 hour sessions once a week over 4 weeks at differing times. The results were surprisingly similar with between 40 and 50 HCVs per session. This is more than one every 3 minutes on average.
The interactive speed signs should arrive soon and with additional brackets, these can be installed on Earith Road, Rampton Road and Over Road, relocated as needed.
A Site Traffic Enforcement meeting with our district, county and parish councillors, and representatives of the Northstowe planning officers was, disappointingly, largely unproductive. The county council cannot prosecute any offenders of the planning conditions without complete evidence of non-compliance and they cannot look for this evidence themselves. Weight limits on the B1050 are unlikely to happen, though they will explore the possibility of a night time weight limit. Also, the traffic sensor monitoring is to be restarted which should give better evidence of traffic levels and types, etc.
Tim Wotherspoon, our County Councillor, reported that the pavements in Berrycroft and Newington are too far gone to be treated with slurry seal Therefore they need to wait till an appropriate budget can be found for a full reconstruction.
Regarding the B1050 alongside the river, he said the costs of the annual repairs are now so high that it may be viable to construct an alternative. This would need national funding which may be available from a Department of Transport scheme for disintegrating fen roads.
Proposals to utilise some Section 106 funding to provide a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) are progressing. This will cost around £180,000 and will enhance sports facilities in the village, making it comparable with neighbouring communities.