Planning application for consideration – Land to the South of Haden Way – Approval of matters reserved for appearance landscaping layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2456/15/OL for residential development of up to 64 units estate road open space and associated works.

Due to Coronavirus the Parish Council is not holding planning committee meetings for the time being. Any applications received will be posted on our website with a date for residents to send any representations to us by.

The following application has been received:

Proposal: Approval of matters reserved for appearance landscaping layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2456/15/OL for residential development of up to 64 units estate road open space and associated works.
Site address: Land To The South Haden Way Willingham
Reference: S/4441/18/RM
Public Access link:
All representations must be received by the Parish Council no later than Monday 6th April 2020. The Council will then consider the application remotely and make their recommendation to SCDC